Roger Clyne &
The Peacemakers
A Concert Review |
As I pulled up to Joe’s on Weed Street (as it is
called in Chicago), I found it very hard to believe that it’s been
over six years since I’ve seen Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. It’s
not that I haven’t wanted to, and it’s not that I haven’t been
getting their CD’s, but there was a stretch of time I wasn’t
covering concerts, and then I just kept missing them for one reason
or another. But there I found myself, on a cold Chicago night, and I
suppose I should have re-read my old review prior to my arrival,
when they played a quaint place called Schuba’s back in 2000. In
that review I commented about not arriving early, not wearing
comfortable shoes, not leaving my coat in the car, and not bringing
my camera. For the show at Joe’s I was smart enough to leave my coat
in the car, did bring in the camera gear, but I wore the wrong shoes
(not a great thing when you’ll be standing for over five hours), and
arrived about one minute too late for getting the vantage point I
wanted to have to both see the show and also get some great photos.
So there I was, as the crowd filtered in during the first opening
act, Ben Crooch (word of advice to Ben – try to at least interact
with the crowd. You were pretty good, but the only reason I knew who
you were was because the Joe’s website still has you on their
calendar as I write this review), I had a feeling the "taking
pictures" thing was going to be a little tricky because of the
taller dudes in front of me, and "cowboy hat dude" behind me had me
a little worried that he would try to make his way in front of me,
too. Anyway, with Ben done with his set, the folks really started to
fill the place, and a lot of the ones around me seemed to think
Roger Clyne would be next. I would think the keyboard set-up in the
middle of the stage, and since the dude warming up on guitar wasn’t
Steve Larson, that should have been a clue, but you could hear a
couple of grumbles when As Fast As took the stage, and some chuckles
as lead singer Spencer Albee came off-stage into the middle of the
crowd during their first song. This, though, and props to As Fast
As, quickly got the crowd to watch them, and from what I could tell,
As Fast As pretty much has their act together, puts on a great show,
and as good as their originals came across I was also impressed with
their cover of Radiohead’s "Creep" with Spencer on this tiny, little
guitar. The crowd got into them in a big way, and they’ve got tons
of potential with their great stage act and fun songs. And yes, I
know it was a ukulele and not a "tiny, little guitar."
But this crowd was here for their favorite, Roger Clyne and the
Peacemakers, and as I turned around during the break and realized it
was around 10:30, the place was packed. I was still stuck behind the
taller dudes, but "cowboy hat dude" nicely asked if I was the
photographer for the band (I told him "No.") and he also asked if I
had ever seen them in Mexico (again, a "No.") And happily he stayed
to my side when the band came out. And out they came.
Opening with ¡Americano!, Roger Clyne and the boys quickly got
the crowd into the show (like that would be difficult with this
crowd of fans) continuing with favorites like "Wanted," "Blue Collar
Suicide" and "Honky Tonk Union." Not wanting to hit the dude in the
front of me in the head anymore with my camera, at this point I
decided to make my way to the back of the venue to watch the band,
watch the crowd, and be able to easily take notes. Here’s a bit of
advice though - don’t try to make your way through a packed crowd of
Roger Clyne fans when the band kicks into "Banditos." As difficult
as that journey was, I eventually found myself along the back wall
with a clear view of the stage, near some middle-aged dudes by the
bar having a grand old time, and able to watch the "beautiful
people" come and go.
As the songs continued, whether for the uninitiated Roger Clyne
fan or those with him back from The Refreshments’ days, the night
turned into sing-a-long after sing-a-long (actually, "Mexico" was
almost a total "let the crowd sing all of the words" song), and
Roger knew exactly his role as conductor. I quickly remembered why I
loved seeing Roger Clyne, and it’s as much as the fact I love the
music, think he and the boys in the band are great on stage, but
also because he has one of the most loyal fan bases I know of, and
it just makes the show that much better.
And so the evening was filled with songs every Roger Clyne fan
knew, from "City Girls" to "Leaky Little Boat" (a filled request
towards the end of the evening), from "Switchblade" to "Green and
Dumb" (which, if I overheard correctly before the show, "cowboy hat
dude" said they rarely play it anymore), and from "Counterclockwise"
to "Jack Vs. Jose" (which included a fabulous guitar solo).
Roger even teased the crowd with a new song, "Andele," or maybe it
was "On Delay," but in any case, from what he says, it will be from
their next CD coming in March, 2007.
Roger was quick to thank his fans for their support, and did so
many times during the night, but none more so before he introduced
"Beautiful Disaster" from "Honky Tonk Union," which brought Roger
out from the world of corporate recording to the independent side,
and as wild of a ride it might be, he and the Peacemakers have been
putting out great music ever since, still put on a great show since
I saw them back in 2000, and actually seemed to get some of the
"beautiful people" at Joe’s into their music.
There’s a band on the east coast called "The Nerds" which I would
say is probably the best bar band that does cover songs. Roger Clyne
and the Peacemakers, I have to say, is probably the best bar band
doing originals, and you should see them even if you aren’t a fan,
yet. And as much as I wish them more success, bigger venues (I know
Roger can pull those shows off from seeing him during The
Refreshements’ days), and millions of album sales, there is
something cool about your being able to buy the lead singer of the
band a shot during the show, and in the case of Roger Clyne, a shot
of what they serve down in hell will do.
I suppose I shouldn’t wait another six years to see a Roger Clyne
and the Peacemakers’ show if only because they throw one big ol’
party, and from "cowboy hat dude’s" recommendation, I should
probably try to make sure that next show is in Mexico. From the
looks of things I couldn’t find anyone who didn’t enjoy the show,
and it’s good to see that hasn’t changed from seeing them so many
years ago. With that, it’s TWO "TEQUILA SHOTS and SOME MEKONG
PLEASE" THUMBS UP! for Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, and I’m
really looking forward to the new CD next year.
And finally, I suppose before I finish this review, I should
explain the "beautiful people." You see at Joe’s, in the back of the
bar, there’s a VIP area. Maybe this one is for guests of the band,
but it didn’t appear so because most no one seemed to give a shit
about the band, and I think the band folks get the upstairs area.
Nope, this one seems to be for those who want to "be seen" at a
nightclub, only Joe’s isn’t really a "be seen" at type of club, so I
suppose a lot of these folks are wannabe "beautiful people." They
get dressed up, trying to look their best, but simply put, some of
the dudettes heading to the "beautiful people" area don’t have the
bodies to pull off a belly shirt. The dudes try to look cool and
hip, but even they can’t seem to pull off some of the clothing, and
they try too hard sometimes in that "I have take this cigarette out
of my mouth in a cool manner by contorting my arm and have my hand
backwards" kind of way. There ends up being some dudette crying
because the dude she was with yelled at her, only to find herself a
little too drunk a little later and apologizing to the dude, and the
western European dude didn’t seem to be too happy being "asked" to
leave by security. I’m pretty sure these folks weren’t there to see
the band (although, like I said, some of them did seem to enjoy
Roger and the boys), but they sure were fun to watch, almost as fun
as the band.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!! |