Econoline Crush &
Finger Eleven
A Concert Review |
Spring was just beginning to come to Chicago, in a week as a
matter of fact, and the slightly above average temperatures brought
a relief from the snowstorm that a week ago brought about eight
inches. So, I made my way up to the north side of Chicago, up in
Wrigleyville, a little early to enjoy the 58ish degree late winter
evenin in my head felt it easier to say
"Yes, I've heard of them," and be nice about it rather
than be blunt and blow her off and not let her give the publicity
description of the band. But I think this may have turned out to be
a good thing as I really did not know what to expect from Econoline
Crush. Pleasantly I was surprised.
Econoline Crush basically mixes it up on the hard-core side but
with a tinge of industrial. The lyrics are sung more often than
screamed, and one thing can definitely be said about Trevor Hurst,
the lead vocal dude, he will work a stage until he collapses.
Now, because I blew off the publicist and didn't read my pre-show
press materials, I can honestly say I had no clue what the band
would play. Luckily they announced a few of them, and I even sort of
remember hearing one or two of them on the radio, namely
"Home" and "Surefire."
As far as the band Econoline Crush, guitar-wise they would go
from your typical dead-calm to flailing madman, and they did a great
job at timing that well. But Trevor was the front man, and he
flaunted that to high heaven. With pelvic thrusts, doing the tongue
thing towards the girls, and doing that spin move to say "Look
at my butt," the dude worked the crowd almost as good as Mick
I don't know, Econoline Crush was a fun band, and the crowd
enjoyed them too. Trevor had a great stage presence, although I
thought the pelvic thrusts got old after a while, but he was also
funny on stage, asking the crowd if they have a good imagination,
then letting us peek into his imagination of driving in California
and seeing Britney Spears with her panties around her ankles. A
juvenile joke, sure, but one that works with their crowd.
So, whereas Finger Eleven lacked a little in the stage presence
area, Econoline Crush worked it to the hilt, and it worked with
their blend of metal meets industrial. It's Two "Pelvic Thrust
Man" Thumbs Up!
That's it for this one, I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!! |