A Concert Review |
I saw Filter for the first time at a little radio
station jamboree. That time I only got to see them for about the
three songs I took pictures for, but I did like what I saw and
heard. This time, with no photo pass, I got to kick back, relax, and
enjoy the musical interludes that would be Filter.
I know one song, really, from Filter. You know, the "Hey
man, nice shot" song. With that, I won't be telling you much of
a set-list. But, what I will be telling you is that Filter is a band
that gives it their all no matter the situation, and this night at
the World Music theater was no easy situation.
A mosh-pit definitely enhances the Filter experience.
Unfortunately, the World is an outdoor venue where the only place to
mosh is on the lawn outside the cave that I call the pavilion area.
That being the case, the poor guys in the band had to try their best
to excite a crowd, and they tried, and tried, and tried.
They tried by pounding a loud, driving bass, whipping drinks into
the crowd (I was duly impressed at the ability to whip a full cup of
beverage about 30 to 35 rows into the crowd), by singing with total
energy and just, whether the crowd did or not, have a good time.
Well, it took a while until the "Hey man" song, but the
mosh-pit had started in the lawn a little earlier. With "Hey
man" the cave crowd finally got on its feet, and finally seemed
to have a good time.
I will say this - Filter puts out tons of energy, and in the
right venue would get a better rating. But, since the crowd weighs
heavily on my rating, it's only ONE THUMB UP this time around. They
definitely have the potential for a two thumb upper, just not this
Until the next one, I'm The Dude on the Right. L8R! |