A Concert Review |
Jane Wiedlin |
How much can I say about a band that I really don't know much about,
never heard anything they have recorded yet, opened for some band I
really didn't care for who opened for the Lemonheads, and only
played for 30 minutes? Well, we'll have to see where this review
takes me. Come on, follow along. It might be short, it might be
long, the review that is, but let's find out about froSTed together.
Like I said, the band is called froSTed and they are fronted by
that perky little Jane Wiedlin of ex Go-Gos fame. She's the
guitar-wielding, lead-singing, cool looking shoes wearing, bouncing
around the stage dudette who supposedly formed the band because she
wanted to play live, in front of people as it would be. Alright,
nice idea, but was it a good one. Well read on, you might be
Since they were the opener for the opening band, the crowd still
hadn't filled in that greatly yet, and I don't think many of them
had any idea what they were in store for. Neither did I. But, what I
found was this pretty cool band with a punk sound, kinda with a
flavor of the Go-Gos, but now with a sound more in touch with today.
You see, Jane and the rest of the band were on a mission - to cram
as much material into their 30 minutes that the crowd could handle.
Ten songs and 30 minutes later they had accomplished just that. The
crowd throughout the entire set had their heads bobbing to songs
they've never heard before (except for that "Hush my darling,
don't you cry" intro to "American in Me."), and
seemed to like the band as much as I did. All except for one little
flaw, but I'll get to that later.
Jane again! |
As for the music and the band, I guess I was impressed by the energy
the band put out, the fact that the band was really pretty talented,
and the bass dude's hair (I believe his name would be Sean Demott).
I liked the fact that the band worked to secure some new fans who
were standing there saying to themselves "self, ain't that the
chick from the Go-Gos?" or "self, I don't know any of
these songs so why is my head bobbing to the music?" or
"self, come on, go say "hi" to that girl over there.
She smiled at you. Wait, who's that guy? Why is he talking to her?
Hey, they're making out. That bitch, why did she smile at
me?!?" The band had to work the entire crowd, and they did
pretty well I might add.
In the end, I'm simply at a loss for words because they were
good, the crowd liked them, and I'd like to see them again. So, I
guess this will be a short review. If you see a band called froSTed
coming to your town, and you like rock music with a little punk edge
to it, go see them. I'll give 'em ONE THUMB UP!
Yea, yea. Now you're saying, "Hey, wait Dude. You seemed to
like the band, said the crowd seemed to like the band, what gives
with only one thumb?" Well, I said there was one flaw, and not
to be bustin' on Ms. Wiedlin, but she really wasn't great at that
"lead-person" crowd banter. I liked her singin' and her
guitar playin', but she just couldn't carry-on a good conversation
with the crowd. I guess my constructive criticism for the day goes
along the lines of she should put the same energy and confidence
into talking to the crowd as she does singing. She tried to do some
advertising for their "merchandising machine," but all I
picked up was they had a CD out called "Cold" and an
actual vinyl record out with a bonus track (hey, I even have a
record player - I might have to pick one up). Oh yea, the record is
blue. Call me picky, but the between song stage presence was missing
something. I guess in time it will come along. So, yea, I'm sticking
with only one thumb.
And, I guess that's it for this one, I'm The Dude on the Right!
L8R!! |