Our Lady Peace
A Concert Review |
There are a couple of things I keep forgetting each
time I go to see a show at The Metro in Chicago, and I forgot them
again, this time, as I was going to catch a show from Our Lady
Peace. One is that parking sucks, so allow extra time to find a spot
anywhere close to the venue. The other is that when a show is sold
out, as was the case for Our Lady Peace, you had better get there
early else be ostracized to standing on your tip-toes at the back of
the main floor hoping to catch a glimpse of the band (unless you are
either one of those pushy assholes plowing your way through the
crowd, or seven feet tall, as was the dude in front of me). Such is
the life of this reviewer.
Well, I finally found a parking spot about ten blocks away from
The Metro, and by the time I made my way through unshoveled
sidewalks, dodged a couple of speeding cars, and my fingers became
numb with cold, I found myself standing at the rear of the crowd,
and Our Lady Peace had already taken the stage. In all honesty, I
had absolutely no idea what to expect going into this show because I
knew two things about Our Lady Peace: "Superman's Dead,"
and "Clumsy." That was it, two songs that I had heard on
the radio, and nothing more. I can hear you mumbling now,
"Another uninformed critic, knowing nothing about the band I
love, who is going to wail on them and say they suck and should head
back to Canada and do some ice-fishing." Well, hold your horses
there Sport. Yes, before the show I only knew about two songs and
really didn't expect much, but after the show, well, I now see why
the band has developed the strong following it has, why it is
selling out shows in Chicago, and why the potential is there for
them to move on to bigger and better venues.
See, as I stood there, on my toes, peering around the tall dude
in front of me, and blocking out the drunk dudes voices around me
who seemed to think that "South Park" must be imitated
everywhere they go (I sort of wished they were all named
"Kenny" and the end would come soon), I began to see most
of the rest of the sold out crowd singing along to every song that
Raine Maida belted out. There these four guys were, Raine on vocals,
Mike Turner on guitar, Duncan Coutts on bass, and Jeremy Taggart on
drums, up on stage, and I started humming along with the melodies,
kind of tapping to the beat, and almost wished I was up there with
the body-surfers, pointing at the boys of the band like they were
the best thing they had ever seen and heard. Well, I won't say Our
Lady Peace was the best thing I had ever seen or heard, then again,
they aren't my favorite style of music, but I did like them. I will,
though, give credit where credit is due, and a lot of credit goes to
the band for what I have found out after reading about them, and
after seeing them live - they are one hell of a group of determined
From what I've read since the show, these guys have been around a
lot longer than I figured, and although not the most animated or
talkative guys on stage, as a band they sure knew what they were
doing, and that usually only comes with playing a lot in front of
people. Raine didn't say much, just a little about where the name
"Our Lady Peace" came from, and towards the end he thanked
everyone for making this show their first one that was sold out in
Chicago. He almost seemed surprised that the show sold out, but from
what I saw I wasn't surprised at all. They played the two songs I
knew, and a killer cover of The Beatles' "Dear Prudence,"
much to the delight of me, and played well over an hour's worth of
songs that everyone else knew, much to the delight of everyone else.
Me, I found Our Lady Peace playing this mix of the psychedelic of
old with metal tendencies of new, combined with these spooky videos
of some old guy, and it was pretty cool. But, this night, it didn't
mean a hill of beans if I had a good time - all that mattered was if
the sold out crowd had a good time - and from the looks of the
sweaty bodies making their way from the crowd - the sold out crowd
did. Hell, I had a good time too.
So, Our Lady Peace gets TWO BIG THUMBS UP from me! I was
pleasantly surprised.
That's it for this one, I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!! |