Hey, hey, hey, now. There was once a girl named Cathy, who played
a lot of music that was sassy. Then, one day, out of the blue, a
record company person came through and said "Baby, I’m gonna
make you and your band a star!" Alright, it didn’t rhyme, I’m
a writer, not a poet.
This kinda sounds like a dream, but my new favoritist band,
singer, etc, Cathy Richardson and her band, seem to deserve it - at
least from this reviewer.
Now, about a month ago, I was able to see the Cathy girl and her
backup boys in a bar, and now, low and behold, my travels bring me
to a more popular band spot called the Park West.
The Park West is a kinda strange place to see a band. It’s got
cushy seats, nice little booths, and a stage. But, it holds about
800 people of which I would guess about 600 were there to see Cathy
Richardson - the only person I know who could fit the words buffered
analgesic in a song.
Yeppur, the old C.R. brought her band for a kinda CD release
party even though the CD wouldn’t be out for a couple of weeks.
But that was alright, the crowd there seemed to know her, seemed to
like her, and had a great time.
As for the show, it was mostly originals, kinda like the show I
saw in Aurora, but she threw in a couple-few new songs I hope are on
her new album. Yep, Cathy seems to have it, but just needs that
boost to stardom.
What she doesn’t have is a wireless system. Granted, its only
been about a month since I saw her last, but, this little bundle of
energy needs to be set free. Let her run around, let her play in the
crowd, let her be free, let her be free. Yep, that’s what I say,
let her be free! It’s kinda a shame leavin’ a performer stuck
behind a mike when technology screams "Fly- Be free my girl!
Run with the crowd - they will love you even more."
Well, this review is kinda incoherent, but I hate to be
redundant, so for a review of what she plays, see the review of her
at Gamekeepers in Aurora, IL. It was kinda the same except without
the set break and without "Spiderman." Oh yea, this time
there was also the inclusion of a cute little ditty called "O
Starry Night, Sorry Night." Oh yea, too, she had the inclusion
of some new cool originals, but , I really missed "Over The
Miles." As much as Cathy Richardson and her band are my new
favorites, "Over The Miles" is one of my new favorite
songs. I just like it - guess it reminds me of some girls long gone.
Boo Hoo - I’m starting to cry.
Alright, the show was good, the band was great, and I still love
Cathy Richardson. And, borrowing from my last review, from her song,
"Drink, Drink, Drink", if she wants to wake up naked in an
ugly location with an ugly person (well, all except that ugly part)
she don’t know - I’m still waiting.
Cathy Richardson at the Park West gets the TWO THUMBS UP vote
from me!!! Alright, only one big toe too this time, but the crowd
had a great time too, so it couldn’t have been bad! She’s fun,
watch for her - she deserves a notice from anyone who likes anything
that has to do with rock & roll and blues.
And yes, Cathy Richardson had an opening band, so I guess this
review isn’t done yet. So, continuing, opening for Cathy was a
band called the Nicholas Tremulis Band.
As I listened, I just couldn’t put a thumb on exactly the style
of music they were playing. But, this is what I came up with.
Nicholas Tremulis is a band that is about 20 years too soon -
which is too bad for the band because I can’t see them playing the
same in 20 years. The music is kinda bluesy with a metal edge.
All I could figure was what they were playing was kinda soft mosh
music. All you people listening to Pearl Jam, to Live, to Nine Inch
Nails, are going to need something to listen to when you are in your
30’s, the sound I see is Nicholas Tremulis. And that’s good.
The band was good, the music was tight, but just about a few
years too soon. I understood the sound, but just couldn’t find the
mainstream getting into it - yet. They are a comin’, and I hope
Nicholas Tremulis is around to lead the way because they are very
talented, very clean sounding (in a musical sense), and should be
leading the teen-agers into the next century. Someone might as well,
and it might as well be Nicholas Tremulis.