Bryan White
A Concert Review |
Bryan White |
Alright, don't get me wrong, and please don't send me hate mail
because this is not meant to be a slam against this guy. It's just
that the way I see it, in the various music styles and generations,
there sometimes comes an artist who becomes the object of nearly
every young girl's desires. Look through the years - there were the
great ones like Frank Sinatra and Elvis, there were the groups like
The Beatles, there were your rockers like Jon Bon Jovi and oh, well,
you get the point. In country, right now, there is a man like this.
His name is Bryan White.
As I waited to get my photos before the show I realized there was
the potential to be trampled by a million teen-age girls at this
show, and I said to myself, "Self, hold your ground, you've got
a job to do!" Well, Bryan White hit the stage, my ear-plugs did
absolutely nothing to stop the high-pitched screams, I shot some
photos and headed for cover. Then I realized this guy wasn't just
about cute looks, not about some nice radio hits, but this guy had
an incredible talent.
First though, I had to cruise to the lobby where I met an usher
dude named Bryant. He didn't think I'd quote him, but hell, I'll
quote just about anyone. He goes to me "Neal McCoy, he's okay,
and Bryan White sings okay too. Me, I prefer country over hard rock,
you know, people like Randy and Wynona." Out there too was
Kaytee, working as an usher. Poor girl, she was out there singing
Bryan White songs but couldn't see the show. She did say "He's
cute - that's all that matters," while her friend had the
simple comment, "He's hot!"
Kaytee says "He's cute!" |
Hot or not, Bryan has a great stage personality and sings great too.
His show highlighted many of the hits most people are familiar with,
those songs like "Rebecca Lynn," "I'm Not Supposed to
Love You Anymore," and "Someone Else's Star." But he
also threw out some surprises, well at least for yours truly. It's
really been a while since I've heard "Southern Nights"
made famous by Glen Campbell I believe, and he does a great cover of
"Stand by Me" led into by "You Are My Sunshine."
All in all, Bryan White and his cast of a band put on a really
good show. Where the older ladies have Garth and George (Strait that
is), the young ladies have their Bryan White (although some of the
older crowd seemed to want him too!!). And you know, if Bryan keeps
up with his tender ballads and some of them cool up-tempo type
songs, those young ladies will probably grow old with him, singin',
dancin', and still giving him roses.
For fear of my life and tons of hate mail, I have to give Bryan
White TWO BIG THUMBS UP!! Actually, not really for fear of my life
because I thought he put on a great show, but a bad review would
have meant living in fear - the youth of today can be brutal!
Well, that's it for the one, I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R! |