Roger Waters
A Concert Review |
For my last review of Roger Waters I complained about
his taking so long to tour again, but for this review, it is my
fault for taking so long to see him again. But damn, it was good to
see him again. And for those of you wondering if Roger needs to
reunite with David Gilmour to make you "see" Pink Floyd again, well,
seeing the boys together on the Live 8 broadcast was cool, but Mr.
Waters still knows how to bring out the bag of tricks, and from the
size of the crowd on a cold and rainy late September night, a "Pink
Floyd" reunion doesn’t seem to be necessary for Roger Waters’
pocketbook, only a nostalgia thing would be accomplished. And then
again, a butt-load of money.But money wasn’t the message of this
evening with Roger Waters, and as much as it was billed as "The Dark
Side of the Moon Tour," a different buddy of mine called Stu put it
this way - it seemed this was to be an evening where Roger Waters
could find as many songs as he could to blast the shit out of
President Bush. And he did, and even with the political preaching,
only a few seemed to care.
As the show didn’t start as "sharply" on time as the tickets said
it would, things preceded with a view of an old radio and a person
outside of the picture drinking and smoking and trying to find
stations not playing Abba. Then, eventually, the show started,
opening with "In the Flesh," and continuing through "Mother" and
"Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun." But reflections on the
legacy of Syd Barrett didn’t last long, as things quickly turned to
commentary in music about the wars countries are getting into
nowadays, with images comparing many of today’s leaders with those
many regard as tyrants, dictators, or generally bad men. Roger did
it using songs like "Southampton Dock," "The Fletcher Memorial
Home," "Perfect Sense (1&2) (from "Amused to Death), and "Leaving
Beirut." And things were really pushed to the top during "Sheep"
where the concert folks brought out a pink, inflatable pig,
scribbled with many a message about folks in power, and then it
"surprisingly" got loose, rising into the night sky. I really wanted
to head to the car, follow the pig until it crashed so I could put
it on eBay, but my friends threatened to beat the crap out of me
because Roger Waters didn’t play "The Dark Side of the Moon" yet. So
I waited for the intermission to find out if I was dying.
And you know what, thanks to the dude’s who couldn’t stop talking
in front of me, I still don’t know if I’m dying.
Yup, it was time for a full-blown version of "The Dark Side of
the Moon," and for the most part you know all of the songs, all of
the lyrics, except one line for most people but probably not for
those of you reading this review, and that is the whisper during
"The Great Gig in the Sky." It was the only gauge I could give if
Roger Waters did a true version of "The Dark Side of the Moon," but
I can honestly say I don’t know if it happened, and it was one of
the things I was looking forward to, ruined by the youngin’s who
couldn’t shut up. But even without my fulfillment, with the
full-blown surround sound, both for the folks in the pavilion and
those in the lawn, "The Dark Side of the Moon" was great.
"Dark Side" done, it was encore time, and what better time for
some more political issues and video montages than during "Another
Brick in the Wall, Part II," "Vera," and "Bring the Boys Back Home."
And as "Comfortably Numb" seemed to end after what I believed was
the curfew for the venue, and wondering if Roger Waters would be
fined for running late or violating US airspace, it was great to see
him back on stage, singing anthems and rarities I have always loved.
Early reviews seemed to bitch about Roger Waters taking this
concert tour into a bash on President Bush, Prime Minister Tony
Blair, and his trying to make a political statement, but for those
of them bitching, I do have a question: "Have you listened to the
message in the music of Roger Waters since, well, forever?" He has
always questioned people in power, he has always questioned why
people go to war, he has pondered his thoughts that, for the most
part, the human race is destroying itself, and he makes no qualms
about stating his beliefs. But as concerts goe, I haven’t seen a
Roger Waters show yet where you can ever say he doesn’t give the
music everything he has to give, whether that is in his singing, his
playing, or his just making sure his band is at the top of their
game, and that band, and his back-up singers, were great.
Enough rambling. It was great to see Roger Waters again, and he
didn’t disappoint. The music was great, he knows how to put on a
show, and he does his best to mix things up every now and then and
make you think. Pink Floyd might not get back together, but Roger
Waters is doing his best to keep the feeling alive, and toss in his
political beliefs. If you don’t agree with him, at last enjoy the
music you know you love.
ENDED UP THUMBS UP" for this Roger Waters’ show. He’s still got it.
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!! |