And so, as I’ve done many times before, I’m starting a project on the first of a month. I’ve started many a weight-loss goal on the first of a month. I’ve started many a budget on the first of a month. So, why not an Entertainment Ave! restart on the first of a month?
This will be, as they say, a work in progress. Some of you who have been here before will probably notice a new layout, one that I’ll be tweaking as things continue. Also, the Daily Plight is now called “Andy Wonders,” as I’ve decided to drop the “Dude on the Right” moniker, and I’ll be honest, right now I’m not sure if it will be a daily feature or not.
Reviews will start back up in a bit, I’m still going to try to update all of the archives of reviews, but one project almost complete is getting my archive of concert photos on Flickr. You can find them at Flickr on in my concert series.
And so, here it is, Spring. And here it is, my first wonder, “Have you postponed a project to start it on the first of a month?”
That’s it for this one! I’m Andy!! L8R!!!