Okay, back to dead people on Facebook…
Usually I’ll read through the posts the friends are leaving, most of the time to find out if someone mentions how they died, and sometimes I’ll see the post of someone who comes right out and asks, on the dead friend’s timeline, what happened, I suppose hoping someone will fill them in (and let me know in the process). I will wonder if eventually a family member will remove them from Facebook, thereby erasing all memories we had of them and the meals they ate, but so far all of my dead friends still have pages, which, as Facebook is wont to do, also means the yearly birthday notification. The first time I received one of those it seemed a little weird, I mean, doesn’t Facebook know they are dead, but alas, Facebook isn’t that smart, yet. It’s with those birthday notifications that I noticed something, namely that there are a lot of people on Facebook who are autoresponders, blindly wishing “Happy birthday!” to people, not really being a friend and knowing the person is dead. How do I know this? Because the post is usually something like, “Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy your special day!” Umm, unless that person is in heaven, I’m thinking their day pretty much sucks, and you are a sucky friend for not knowing they are dead.
There are the nicer posts, the “Wishing you a happy birthday in heaven” post, or the “I wish you were here to celebrate your birthday with me,” but every year, when I see the notification, I am reminded of the person’s passing, get a little sad, and check their timeline to see if anyone wished them happy birthday not realizing the person is dead. Wondering the kind of Facebook posting person you might be, I wonder: Have you wished a dead person “Happy birthday” on Facebook?
That’s it for this one! L8R!!