Thunderbird is Great, Sucky, then Great, We’re Heading to YouTube, Needing More Tivo’s, and a Weird Movie Weekend.


The Dude on the Right

I know e-mail programs are boring, but I was having problems using "Thunderbird"
today, but low and behold, actually reading some "help" stuff on their website
seemed to have solved the problem.  On a corporate level, in conjunction
with our move into the the fledgling website called
we are also considering adding our "Stu
& The Dude Reviewin’ the Movies for You
" episodes into this brand new thing
I found called YouTube.  Like MySpace, the site doesn’t seem that popular
right now, but if we can help them grow a bit, well, who knows.  I’ll fill
you in on our YouTube profiling in a later blog or podcast.

All that other crap going on, the biggest problem I have right now, other
than it being a weirdly, crappy, movie-going weekend, is that the fall TV season
is coming up, and I think, especially for Thursday nights, I’m going to have to
hunker down and spend the money for the

dual-tuner TiVo
that is out now.  How else can I juggle watching the
racially divided "Survivor,"
versus "My Name is
" & "The Office,"
versus "Smallville,"
and versus whatever ABC seems
to throw at me.  My TV life is so complicated.

Thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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