The Dude on the Right
It was weird talking to Stu Gotz for this episode of the "Weekend Wrap-Up!" podcast because I had a great Father’s Day, and I’m not even a dad unless you consider Milo, our dog, while Stu, who is a dad, with human children, had a Dad’s Day that left a lot to be desired. I got some bubble tea (twice), saw "The Proposal" with my BFF," and bought the new iPhone 3GS, while Stu, well, he pretty much got some cards. Kinda a bummer for him, but a great weekend for me, and I brag to him all about it! Yup, along with some new toys and enjoying some quality time with my BFF on Sunday, I got to meet one of our biggest podcast fans at the 50th Anniversary party of my future in-laws, as well as see a tornado of moths. Stu, well, on opposite spectrum, he tore down a gazebo, set up a kiddie pool, saw a blah movie, and had his TV recordings erased before he could see them. Maybe next year the kids will make him breakfast, Mama Gotz will rub his feet, and he’ll be at a Cubs game, or something cool like that. At least he has "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" opening up this week to keep him happy.
All of that and more in this podcast episode! Thanks for listening!
That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the
Right!! L8R!!!