Episode 4: Scary Movie 4


The Dude on the Right

Well, it seems we didn’t qualify for the "Howard
Stern Film Festival
" with our last creation, a "Stu & The Dude" reviewin’ "Private
." Oh well, but I did learn some new animation lessons from sending
that in, some of which are incorporated into our "Scary Movie 4" review. Some
others, well, I guess I didn’t pay enough attention, hence some of the weird
framing and lettering. I guess, "Oh well" again.

In any case, I liked "Scary Movie 4" more than Stu did, but I admit something
to Stu that maybe I shouldn’t have. Stu gave the movie 2 ½ stars out of 5, I
gave it 3 ½ stars, but Stu just didn’t understand my happiness.

Thanks for watching, and we welcome your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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