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Starring: Mike Vogel, Vince Vieluf, Adam Brody, Joey Kern, Jennifer Morrison
MPAA Rated: PG-13
Released By: Warner Bros.
Web Site:
Directed By: Casey La Scala
Produced By: Bill Gerber, Hunt Lowry, Casey La Scala

A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - PG-13

It's 1:45 Long
Release Date: 08/15/03

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
Well, with a Tara Reid film and a Jackie Chan film opening the same weekend, I doubt I’ll be catching this movie, but it does look kinda funny in a teenage way. Pretty much you get four skater boys trying to get noticed. What do they do? Well, they try to follow the summer skateboard tour and do goofy things so that others will finally pay attention to them and they can get the big money.

You can expect over-the-top skateboard antics, hot skater chicks, and your typical 18 year old comedy that you usually see from kids trying to make that last summer of fun before the real world hits. If you’re a skater dude you probably won’t want to miss this, but it’ll be a tough call to get others in on the buzz.

That’s it for this preview! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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