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Ice Princess
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: Michelle Trachtenberg, Kim Cattrall, Joan Cusack
MPAA Rated: G
Released By: Disney Pictures
Directed By: Tim Fywell
Produced By: Bridget Johnson

Ice Princess
A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - G

It's 1:32 Long
Release Date: 03/18/05

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
This is one for the young teen crowd. You get Michelle Trachtenberg as the girl who wants to be a figure skater but is a little too dorky to achieve what she wants. Somehow she is a brainiac and puts physics together with figure skating and suddenly she is a star. She gets some wacky coaches, a hot boy who rides the zamboni, and we get you normal teenage story of a girl, searching for her dreams, falling in love, and dealing with older folks who just don’t get it.

For the most part, unless nothing else is opening up against it, I won’t be catching this movie. Not that it won’t be good, it just isn’t my cup of tea. For the younger female teens, it looks like a fun film, so we’ll see how things look a little closer to its release date.

That’s it for this preview! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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