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Meet Joe Black
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Forlani, Jake Weber, Marcia Gay Harden, Jeffrey Tambor
MPAA Rated: PG-13
Released By: Universal Pictures
Web Site:
Kiddie Movie: Deep subject matter - probably not.
Date Movie: She'll probably make you go.
Gratuitous Sex: One scene of Death, having no clue how to do it, with Susan.
Gratuitous Violence: See "Memorable Scene" below.
Action: Nope.
Laughs: Lots of chuckles.
Memorable Scene: Brad Pitt's coffee shop character bouncing off of a couple of cars. I even blurted out "Whoa!"
Memorable Quote: Bill Parish asks: "Will you be staying long?" Joe Black/Death replies: "We should hope quite a while."
Directed By: Martin Brest
Produced By: Martin Brest

Meet Joe Black
A Movie Review

MPAA Rated - PG-13

It's 2:54 Long

A Review by
The Dude on the Right
"Meet Joe Black" is about three hours long. Yep, that's right, three hours. It's not that it shouldn't be three hours, it takes that long to put all of the intermingling story lines to rest (ha, ha, get it, to rest - dying, alright, nevermind), but couple a three hour movie with six trailers and my butt hurt. Alright, enough griping.

"Meet Joe Black" seems like it should be a quick movie - Joe Black (Brad Pitt), a.k.a. Death, a.k.a. The Grim Reaper if "Death" didn't make sense, comes to the world of the living to see what it is like. He decides that Bill Parrish (Anthony Hopkins) shall be his guide, because Death's had it on good authority that Bill could help Death understand nearly every emotion and experience earth has to offer. In exchange for Bill helping him out, Death gives Bill a slight delay in his inevitable. But this movie isn't simply Bill and Death hanging out. Nope, we also get a story line about a conniving asshole named Drew (Jake Weber) trying to force a takeover of Bill's company, and we get a love story of Bill's daughter, Susan (Claire Forlani), trying to find her true love. All three parts could have almost been movies of their own, so I guess even though three hours long, you get three movies for the price of one.

It's easy to see how all three parts of the story can intermingle, especially since Susan is dating Drew, but then falls in love with a dude in a coffee shop (also Pitt), who proceeds to get run over, well, not actually run over but rather bounces off of a couple of cars because Death needed a body. Susan meets up again with her hopeful new love, although it's now Death in the coffee shop dude's body. Death, meanwhile, has made his deal with Bill, who now has a few more days to play loving father, slick businessman, and a dude who just really seems to get what life is about.

In the end there aren't many surprises, at least not for me - I saw all of the intermingled endings a mile away, but I won't spoil them for you. I will just say that the dude in the coffee shop is going to be really confused for a while, and if Susan sleeps with him like she did with Death, which time will she count as the first time they had sex?

Yea, it is three hours long so make sure you hit the bathroom before the show. But even so, there were enough enjoyable moments and a few chuckles, especially Death taking most things literally (Susan: "I'm with (meaning dating) Drew." Death: "Not now (meaning he's not here)."). Brad Pitt plays all his characters great, and I found especially funny as his character interacted in reggae tongue with a dying old lady; Claire Forlani comes off as a girl just looking for her true love; Jake Weber comes off as a total asshole, spurring the line from Bill "You're a worthless piece of shit Drew."; and Anthony Hopkins, well, he's Anthony Hopkins and puts in another great performance.

With that, I give "Meet Joe Black" four stars out of five. You don't get much in the way of action, but some comical moments and three movies in one.

That's it for this review, I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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