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Open Season
Movie Stats & Links

Starring: The Voices of: Ashton Kutcher, Martin Lawrence, Debra Messing
MPAA Rated: PG
Released By: Columbia Pictures
Web Site:
Directed By: Roger Allers, Jill Culton, Anthony Stacchi

Open Season
A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - PG

It's 1:39 Long
Release Date: 9/29/09

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
The teaser trailer, fine, it’s nearly a year before the movie actually comes out, hints that the movie is about the animals in the woods taking back their woods from the mean and nasty humans, or at least one human. Then I went to the web site, to check out what it might say the story was about, and it became this entire convoluted thing about a bear that was raised domestically, some deer dude, them somehow getting together, ending up in the forest when hunting season starts, and, you know what, I already don’t care about this movie, and as I’m writing this, I’ve got 10+ months to not care about this movie.

Unless a future trailer shows promise for this movie, I’m already giving up on it. We’ll see how things go as the months go by.

That’s it for this preview! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

Dude note:  Well, there's been a new trailer, and I think I'm still giving up on this movie.  The kids might find it funny, and pretty much it is a story about how the animals attack the hunters as open season, a.k.a hunting season, opens.  Simple gags seem to be the calling, but this one seems to be for the kids.


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