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Serving Sara
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Starring: Matthew Perry, Elizabeth Hurley, Vincent Pastore
MPAA Rated: PG-13
Released By: Paramount Pictures
Directed By: Reginald Hudlin
Produced By: Dan Halsted

Serving Sara
A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - PG-13

It's 1:39 Long
Release Date: 08/23/02

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
Here’s all you probably need to know. Matthew Perry is a dude who serves summons to people. If he can serve Elizabeth Hurley he gets a big paycheck, but after serving her, well, she promises him more money if he can serve her husband. Perry’s boss isn’t happy because his paycheck is coming from Hurley’s husband, and at first Perry is looking for more money but he falls in love with Hurley (and who wouldn’t?), and hilarity ensues as people try to sue each other.

Alright, things might be a little more complicated, but does it really matter? You’ll go to this movie because you think Elizabeth Hurley is hot, maybe because you think Matthew Perry is cute, but unless this movie has laughs up the ying-yang, well, Matthew Perry better invest his “Friends” money well because he just doesn’t seem to be positioning himself as the box-office man, although I have to admit I did like him in “The Whole Nine Yards.” Personally, I think he has potential on the movie side, but this doesn’t look like his break out movie. I’m going to see Elizabeth Hurley.

That’s it for this preview! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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