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Starring: Jerry O'Connell, Shannon Elizabeth, Jake Busey, Bill Maher
MPAA Rated: R
Released By: Columbia Pictures
Kiddie Movie: Don't even think about bringing them.
Date Movie: If she has a sick sense of humor.
Gratuitous Sex: Some but it could have been better.
Gratuitous Violence: Nah.
Action: Nah.
Laughs: Sick ones.
Memorable Scene: Chasing the testicle.
Memorable Quote: Nah.
Directed By: Gregory Poirier
Produced By: Paul Kurta, Tony Ludwig, Alan Riche

A Movie Review

MPAA Rated - R

It's 1:33 Long

A Review by
The Dude on the Right
The Dude on the Left, after we had finished seeing "Tomcats", said that the movie deserves an Academy Award for the testicle chasing scene alone. Funny, gross, childish, and just what you should expect, "Tomcats" is all of that and worse. Yet I am still too easily amused because I enjoyed the movie.

The story starts out simple enough – A group of dudes, at their buddie's wedding, decide that being the last person married should garner them a prize. So, with each of thinking they can hold out, well, they all donate to a mutual fund that will keep growing until the last man is standing single. One by one the friends get married until they are down to the last two, Michael (Jerry O’Connell) and Kyle (Jake Busey). Michael is probably a little closer to getting married, all until he messes up the three little words his girlfriend wants to hear (no, it’s not "I love you," let’s just say is has to do with sucking), so he and Kyle are back in the same boat. Michael, being busted up, decides gambling is the answer, loses big time at the craps table, and when the mob-style casino owner, Carlos (Bill Maher) tries to collect the marker, well Michael doesn’t have the money. Threatened with getting his legs broken or paying the money back, Michael decides the only way he can get enough cash is to get Kyle married off so he gets the bachelor prize.

Well, Michael has limited time to get Kyle married off so he hires Natalie (Shannon Elizabeth), one of Kyle’s old conquests who is all too ready to get revenge, to get Kyle to marry her and she and Michael will split the pot. Yes, low and behold, Michael begins to fall for Natalie, Natalie falls for Michael but thinks if she works the Kyle angle then Michael will get jealous and tell her he loves her, and well, who really cares because in the end everyone lives happily after.

Yes, the story is kinda weak, kinda generic, but this movie is about gross-out humor and it has a lot of it. There is, as was mentioned before, the testicle chasing scene (Kyle gets testicular cancer, the doctors won’t give him his testicle back, so Michael goes to retrieve it); there is a disturbing scene where Michael needs to get laid, works a librarian, but you knows those librarians – they’re a wild bunch, especially when they like bondage and bring in their grandma; and, well, I think you get the point.

I know, this movie should get 1 star, and most other reviewers are giving it 1 star, but I’m too easily amused and, well, I knew this wasn’t going to be a movie masterpiece and expected all of the gross humor that was given to me. So, I’m giving "Tomcats" 3 stars out of 5. It had a good chance for 4 stars but you know, as gross as the humor was and as sexual as the movie got, what it really lacked was quality nudity. I’ll leave the 3 stars.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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