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Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Justin Long, Anna Faris
MPAA Rated: R
Released By: Lions Gate Films
Web Site:
Directed By: Rob McKittrick
Produced By: Jeff Balis, Robert O. Green, Stavros Merjos, Jay Rifkin, Adam Rosenfelt

A Movie Preview

Preview Only

MPAA Rated - R

It's 1:34 Long
Release Date: 10/07/05

A Preview by
The Dude on the Right
Ahhh, just in time for fall, a gross-out comedy, and I can’t wait.

Pretty much we get a day in the life of Shenanigan’s, your “typical” chain restaurant, staffed with a bunch of goofballs who pretty much reinforce that fact that you should never send your food back. Ryan Reynolds look to be back to his funny self, a la “Van Wilder,” Anna Faris is looking cuter than ever, and we are told we are going to get lots of talk about sex, have some gross-out scenes about food getting sent back to the kitchen because it wasn’t cooked properly, and pretty much, we just get fun antics in a restaurant, where, in all honesty, do we really want fun antics in a restaurant?

I’m sure the restaurant industry won’t be too pleased about this movie, probably even coming out with some condemnation of the film, but from the trailer it looks pretty damn funny. Happily it’s rated “R” so that leaves a lot of the fun potential in it.

That’s it for this preview! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


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