Wild Wild West
Movie Stats & Links |
Starring: |
Will Smith, Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branagh, Salma
MPAA Rated: |
Released By: |
Web Site: |
Kiddie Movie: |
Not too young.
Date Movie: |
I took Whammy - she was disappointed. You make
the call.
Gratuitous Sex: |
Close, but no cigar. You get a nice shot of
Selma Hayek's butt.
Violence: |
Lots of people get shot, but no real gore.
Action: |
A couple of chase scenes.
Laughs: |
Groaners more than laughs.
Scene: |
Selma Hayek's butt.
Quote: |
Directed By: |
Barry Sonnenfeld
Produced By: |
Jon Peters, Barry Sonnenfeld
Wild Wild West
A Movie Review |
I walked out of "Wild, Wild West" thinking they should have
done one of two things: One - kept the movie a lot cleaner
with less implied violence, less sex stuff (yea, I actually
thought that), and jokes geared for the kids rather than the
jokes it had, and maybe shoot for a PG or G rating to make
it funner for kids to watch. Or two - go balls out with
total gore, more sex, more adult jokes, and keep the kids
away by shooting for an R rating. The movie was stuck in the
middle, a sad PG-13 flick, which had me totally disappointed
and still wondering why Will Smith was James West.
"Wild, Wild West" had an easy plot to work with - James
West (Will Smith) and Artemus Gordon (Kevin Kline) have to
find the dude who kidnapped top scientists and is
threatening to take over the US with a super killing device.
West and Gordon have all kinds of fun gadgets to get
themselves out of sticky situations, and Dr. Loveless
(Kenneth Branagh) is the bad dude, but somewhere in the
lousy writing this movie just led me to disappointment. And
I sort of felt bad for the parents who brought their seven
year olds not realizing there would be some profanity for
them, a nice shot of Rita Escobar's (Selma Hayek) butt to
explain, Dr. Loveless' S&M bedroom, lots of slavery
slams, and lots of sexual innuendo for dad to not chuckle at
so as not to elicit a "What's so funny dad?" from young
I don't remember the original series that much except that
it was kinda cheesy, but that made it somewhat fun to watch.
"Wild, Wild West," the movie version, is cheesy, too, but I
didn't have any fun and I think most of it had to do with
them not knowing just how far to push things or leave them
alone. Things like the opening scene with Jim West and a
young lovely having a hot-tub party in a water tower,
sucking face almost like a porno, only to be distracted by
the bad dudes; and the scene where General McGrath (Ted
Levine) is lying there and a little dog looks into his
gramophone hearing aid, looking like the old scene with the
RCA dog. It was a really bad joke.
The movie elicited more groans than laughs at really bad
jokes, and maybe, in the end, that's what I hated. They
tried too hard to make it cheesy instead of letting it be
cheesy on its own.
So, should you see it? Me, I would wait for cable, or
maybe a video rental, but not spend the big bucks on this
film. You also might want to be careful at how young your
kids are when you watch it with them or you might feel a
little uncomfortable during some scenes. It's PG-13 for a
reason, but the problem is that for most 13 and uppers it
won't be cool enough, and for most under 13's it will just
have them going "gross" or get frightened when the spinning
blade is heading to chop off some heads.
From me it's 1 star out of 5. I was totally disappointed.
I think some people might like it, but I sure wasn't one of
That's it for this one, I'm The Dude on the Right!!
L8R!! |