Musical Tastes:
I've never really tasted music, but I suppose it tastes a lot like
chicken. Seriously, I listen to just about everything, but I tend
toward guitar gods like Hendrix, SRV, Buddy Guy. I also get into
Smashing Pumpkins, Soundgarden, and just about anything else that's
loud and fast.
Person I Most Admire: I
can't really think of anyone other than myself.
People Don't Know:
I'm really a quite sensitive new age guy.
Turn Ons: Women
of most sizes shapes and colors, beer, and sports, not necessarily
in that order.
Never Leave Home Without:
Your spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch.
Best Advice I Ever Got:
Never pet a burning dog.
Stuff I Do at E-Ave.:
Reviews when I'm not golfing, playing pool or softball, and resident
computer nerd.
Ambitions: To
play first base for the Chicago Cubs. If that doesn't pan out, write
the ultimate video game make millions, and retire to the Bahamas.