My goals in life are simple. I want to date Cindy Crawford, marry
Holly Hunter, and keep Kathy Ireland on the side. Aside from that,
just be happy and fix up my 1986 Camaro Iroc.
Turn-Ons: I really
like a girl that knows how to say when. Like "when would you
like a beer" or "when would you like to...," well,
you know. Stuff like that.
Turn-Offs: Girls that
don't know how to say when.
Never Leave Home Without:
A condom, twenty bucks, and a pack of gum.
People I Admire:
Harvey Keitel, Al Capone, and my Uncle Sal.
Favorite Movie: To
pick just one is hard but I'd have to say "The Bad
Work Ethic: Never do
today what can be put off till tomorrow.
Former Occupations:
Dishwasher, Bartender, Numbers runner, Petroleum transfer engineer,
city truck driver.
Best Advice Ever Given:
Uncle Sal always said to mind your own fuckn' business.
Jobs at Entertainment Ave!:
Asst. Editor - The Movie Theater, Movie/video reviewer, advice
columnist, concert reviewer, bouncer.