What Tie Should I Wear, and I Pray My Niece Doesn’t Wear Cher’s Dress.


The Dude on the Right

The last couple of days have brewed a cornucopia of blog ideas, ranging from
smoke alarm batteries, to a dream where I was eating human stew, to another
dream that included a fight resulting in two dudes falling from the top of the
Hancock building in Chicago, to yet another dream of my neglecting someone
else’s baby. But nothing is occupying my mind right now more than what tie I
should wear to the Sweet Sixteen party of my favorite niece (and her friend),
and now, after watching
“My Super Sweet 16” on MTV, how the hell can my niece
and her friend’s party ever top that of Cher (and no, not that Cher), especially
since I don’t think my niece is going to get a new Jaguar as a present.

On to my first dilemma – what tie to wear? In the photo included with this
blog I’ve narrowed it down to seven ties. From left to right, I start with the
colorful and swirly tie, which might have worked back in the early nineties, but
damn, for whatever reason, boring stripes seem to be back in style (I did like
the swirly and colorful era because when you spilled something on your tie, it
blended right in). Up next is my red, “power” tie. The problem here is I’m going
to a Sweet 16 party and not a job interview. Now there’s my Daffy Duck beach
party tie, which would be perfect if I knew if the party had a theme, like a
beach party (and don’t get me started, yet, on the Mardi Gras theme Cher had for
her party on MTV), and it was probably the favorite tie I would wear when I was
in my Radio Shack manager phase. I could reflect back to my high school days
when the rebel dudes would wear their ties with a big, ol’, fat knot (the 4th
one from the left), but if I did wear that tie, along with the humiliation of a
39 year old dude being seen like that, my mom would disown me.

Up next is another of my favorite ties, but sadly it’s after Christmas so a
“Grinch Stealing Christmas” theme tie probably won’t work, and then comes my tie
which only works if you wear it on one of two days, January 8th (The King’s
birthday), or August 16th (The King’s deathday). Any other day and you just seem
like an Elvis kook. Sadly, the seventh tie is the one I sent to the dry cleaners
today, because unless the theme of my niece’s party is “Be a Slob With Your
Food!”, “Get a Job!”, “Fun at the Beach!”, “Remember the Early Eighties in High
School”, “Christmas a Month Later!”, or “Elvis. ‘nuff Said!”, I’ve got to stick
with the boring, dark blue tie, that matches my suit.

But my choice of tie is nothing compared to my worrying about how my niece
and her friend’s party will compare to Cher’s.

Thanks to my buddy Stu Gotz, who mentioned the show “My Super Sweet 16” on
MTV, I decided to watch it. It was Cher’s party, and she has been known to throw
the coolest parties, and supposedly her Bat Mitzvah was legendary. Her theme was
Mardi Gras (thankfully none of the girls seemed to know what you had to do to
get beads because that would be just wrong), and she was ready to just die
because the float she was supposed to ride to her party looked like crap a
couple of days before said party. Then, of course, was the car shopping, where
she pretty much wanted a Jaguar, and not the $30,000+ version, nope, she wanted
$90,000+ version, and would die if she didn’t get it. So the party starts,
she arrives via a magic trick (which, of course, she was totally worried it
wouldn’t work because she would be so embarrassed), she does some dancing where
her pants kept falling down (didn’t she at least rehearse in those pants prior
to the party?), and is worried about what her friends will think about her dress
that is pretty revealing.

I know my niece didn’t have a Bat Mitzvah, so she doesn’t have that party to
compare it to, and aside from the fact I’m not sure if my niece will be arriving
on a float, if the party has a theme, if she’ll be doing a spotlight dance where
her pants fall down, and I’m assuming my sister and brother-in-law won’t be
getting her a $90,000 car as her gift, I’m not sure how my favorite niece’s
Sweet 16 party can stack up to Cher’s. But as her Uncle, I just pray to Little
Baby Jesus that my niece doesn’t wear a dress that was skimpier than the outfit
of a stripper named Destiny I remember seeing years ago in Las Vegas. Cher wore
that dress.

And I still have to try to figure out what tie to wear, and why the hell I
had a dream where I was eating human stew.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: We Welcome “Trash’s Trash,” Is “American Idol” Meaner, and some Shout-Outs.

For this podcast The Dude on the Right introduces a new feature, “Trash’s Trash,” wonders about the mean-ness at “American Idol,” questions his regard for “Da Coach,” and gives some “shout-outs.”

We Welcome “Trash’s Trash,” Is “American Idol” Meaner, and some Shout-Outs.


The Dude on the Right

We have a new feature here at Entertainment Ave!,
"Trash’s Trash." 
One of our staff members,
wanted to contribute more, so I gave her a blog.  What have I done?

in other podcast talk,
"American Idol"
has started again, and I think Simon, Paula, and Randy are
meaner this year, or maybe it’s just me.  I’m also not as big a Mike Ditka
fan as I used to be, and I give some well-deserved shout-outs.

Thanks for listening and your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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I Can Be an “Expert” About Resolutions.

I thought about making my first "Trash" entry all about me, about who I am,
where I come from, but screw that.  If you want to know about me, my

Entertainment Ave! bio is here

So, you know what, here it is, the third week of January and I wondered how
are all of those resolutions for 2007 are  working out for you? The answer
is probably "Pretty damn bad."

This year I decided to use the advice of "experts" to set my 2007 goals. 
Hey, they are "experts," they get paid pretty good money to sit in a chair on
CNN, and they give you advice. I figured those "experts" had to know something I
didn’t – After all, how can you fail with advice like… "set realistic goals"
and "don’t get discouraged if you slip."  Well, apparently, I do know
something these "experts" do not know…..my life in 2006 is just as crappy as
it was in 2007.

Let’s take the resolution millions of American’s make every year.  "In
2007, I will lose 10 pounds."  Now before I allowed myself to fail, I took
the advice of "experts" and modified that goal to be "I will exercise at least
20 minutes, three days a week (to get that Bowflex body of course)."  Well
even as we speak I have managed to crank out only one 30 minute workout. 
WHY!?  Easy!  I did not change jobs in 2007.  I have the same
crappy hours.  I continue to work my ass off for 12 hours a day, five days
a week, to come home tired.  And I manage to make my way to the couch when I
get home, and have to convince myself tomorrow will be better.  Guess what! 
It is not any better because I still have the same job with long hours!  If
I actually had any chance of meeting my simple goal of exercising at least 20
minutes, three days a week (to get that Bowflex body), I would have had to have
achieved a different goal first…..find a  better job with fewer hours.  Oh,
and screw that don’t get discouraged crap.  I was a human being in 2006,
and I guess that I am still a human being in 2007.  So let us think about
this one – If I had the human emotion of disappointment in 2006, I am guessing
nothing magical happened at midnight, 2007, in whatever time-zone, to erase that
human emotion (no spaceship took me on board and did experiments on me at
midnight, I think).

So I have to ask myself this new question…  "How does one become a CNN
‘expert?’"  My guess is they only work 10 hours a week and may not actually be
human.  If I had that gig then I would have all of the time in the world to achieve
my goal, and not feel bad if I didn’t!

See Ya!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: “Alpha Dog” Talk, Football Talk, Weather Talk, and Anniversary Talk.

For this podcast of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up,” The Dude on the Right is mad at the weather people, Stu Gotz is mad he liked Justin Timberlake in “Alpha Dog,” and Stu solicits The Dude’s view of the upcoming Chicago Bear’s game. Stu also wonders why Mama Gotz wants to do some special celebrating for their five-year anniversary.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: “Alpha Dog” Talk, Football Talk, Weather Talk, and Anniversary Talk.


The Dude on the Right

The snows didn’t come last night, much to my dismay, so I had to hook up with
Stu and get our weekend wrap-up done.  For this one I question the
qualifications of our Chicago meteorologists, but not Cleveland’s

Dick Goddard,
  Stu, though, would rather talk about the Chicago Bears,
and how he was pissed that he liked Justin Timberlake’s performance in

"Alpha Dog"
because he can’t stand Mr. Timberlake.  Stu also wonders
why one page of the Chicago Sun-Times sport’s section just seems to deal with
pictures of hot chicks (of which I fail to see the problem with that), and he
can’t understand the hubbub of being married for five years.

Thanks for listening and your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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Yahoo! Podcasts

Dick Goddard, Woolly Bears, and Does Mother Nature Want Me to Build a Snow Fort?


The Dude on the Right

Here in the Chicago area it’s been a very mild winter, with one snow storm at
the beginning of December and then pretty much nothing for almost a month and a
half.  Hell, the weather has been warm enough that a lot of folks were able
to go golfing here in  January, although getting a tan didn’t seem to be an
option.  But once again a storm seems to be upon us, although the weather
folks still can’t seem to pin exactly what is going to happen.  My Weather
Channel forecast seems to be saying I will be getting two, maybe three inches of
snow between now and Noon tomorrow, the local dudes seem to have me in a swath
that will get between five to seven inches of snow, and I’m not sure what the
Farmer’s Almanac says for me since I haven’t actually read one since I was about
seventeen and my dad bought it.

With that, there’s a part of me that likes the
fact that even with all of our technology, even with all of our computer models,
even with all of our experts, the weather still gives us uncertainty.

It makes
me sort of remember when I was a kid growing up in Ohio.  As a kid, and
because there wasn’t cable TV yet, all we had was

Dick Goddard
to tell us what was going to happen.  Sure, there were
probably some other dudes on some other channels, but Mr. Goddard always gave a
breath of honesty to a weather forecast:  That as much as he could look at
the way things were taking shape, Mother Nature has a mind of her own, and he
had no way of totally reading her mind.  He also had the power of the

Woolly Bear
, a strange caterpillar that Vermillion, OH, has adopted as its
own.  Anyway, as a youngin’, we would hear about snow coming, but thanks to
Mr. Goddard, there was always an uncertainty about how much snow was actually
going to make it.  That led to one thing, and one thing only – going to bed
knowing most likely we were going to have to go to school, but there was always
that chance, that Mother Nature decided it would be better for us to stay home,
build snowmen and snow forts, have snowball fights, make our parents drive us
through the snow-covered streets to the great hill in Amherst, and thanks to
Mother Nature, and not Dick Goddard, we got a snow day.

The fun thing to hear,
a year or two ago when I was visiting my parents in Ohio, was that Mr. Goddard
still knows that Mother Nature has her own mind, even as far as the computer
modeling, the forecasting, the satelliting, have come in all of these years. 
There he was, in front of the weather map, telling everyone in his viewing area
that in the next twelve to twenty-four hours he couldn’t tell them how much snow
was coming.  There was a chance of anything from less than an inch to
almost a foot of snow, depending on how the cold front moved, and in my head, I
knew that he knew that Mother Nature still has her own thing in mind, even
though I wouldn’t go to bed dreaming of a snow day.

And so, with the winter
weather that is supposed to come tonight, I wait again to see what Mother Nature
has in mind for my Monday.  It’s not nearly as exciting as when I was a
kid, because there is nothing like a snow day when you are ten year’s old and
you can build a snow fort, but I would like to know if I can sleep in tomorrow,
maybe pretend I was ten again and build a snow fort, or if I’m going to have to
head out, in a measly inch or two of snow, and do some business consulting. 
As I do every time I hear a snowstorm might be coming, since I was like five
years old, I pray Mother Nature wants me to make a snow fort.  And that
Dick Goddard (or now, in Chicago, it’s Tom Skilling) just can’t read Mom
Nature’s mind.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What Dude Wouldn’t Want a 103″ Plasma Screen, and I Want an iPhone Now!


The Dude on the Right

Maybe I should just listen to the couple of commercials
Howard Stern has on
Sirius, because while flipping through my local Chicago radio dial for a couple
of minutes this morning I started yelling at the radio in my car.  A
way-overpaid radio dude (at least in my mind), and a reporter, were talking
about things at the
CES (that’s
the Consumer Electronics Show for everyone).  They had the audacity to
question who would want a

103" plasma screen TV
, complained about the cost of LG’s dual-format DVD
player (you don’t buy it now, you wait a few years while the price keeps halving
itself), and then, couldn’t figure out who would spend $600 on the coolest phone
to come around in years.  That’s
the iphone, of

I’m just bummed the iPhone won’t be available until June, and the fact
that I can’t get a lame, morning, radio show and make over a million bucks a

Thanks for listening and your comments.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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