What’s New? A Podcast of: “James Brown Memories, I’ll Never Buy a Kia, and the Best Version Ever of “O Holy Night.””

For this podcast The Dude on the Right reflects on the passing of James Brown, hates the NFL Network, won’t buy a Kia, and wonders about inviting people over to see his Christmas display. At least he found the best version, ever, of “O Holy Night.”

James Brown Memories, I’ll Never Buy a Kia, and the Best Version Ever of “O Holy Night.”


The Dude on the Right

The Godfather of Soul James Brown died, President Gerald Ford died, but who will
be #3, because deaths come in three’s, right?  My guess is Saddam Hussein. 
Anyway, thanks to the grand opening of the
House of Blues in Chicago I have a James Brown story for this podcast, and it
goes along with the picture posted here.  Staff member, The Mystery Dude,
also reviewed that show we saw back in

November of 1996

But this podcast isn’t only about death, it’s also about
things like why I will never buy a Kia vehicle, a rant about the NFL and their
network, and my debating whether or not to invite any of my friends to see my
Christmas display, mostly out of fear of ridicule about my window treatments.

But the most important thing about this podcast might be that I found the best
version of "O
Holy Night
," ever, thanks to one of the bulletin boards that I read. 

I hope you are having an okay holiday season whatever you are celebrating, or
might not be celebrating.  If I get the gumption I might do another podcast
before the end of the year, but if not, good luck with picking your resolutions
that you will probably break during the first couple of weeks of the new year.

Thanks for

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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What’s New? A Movie Review of “Rocky Balboa.”

The Dude on the Right finally got to see “Rocky Balboa,” but his trailers didn’t include the new “Transformers” trailer. The Dude, though, loved the movie, thought Stallone got the finale right, but missed a little bit of the grittiness of the first “Rocky” some 30 years ago. The Dude on the Right suggests, though, that you see this one if you are a fan.

Christmas Weekend Plans Shot Down the Drain.


The Dude on the Right

You know how the holidays are supposed to be about getting together with loved
ones, or at least your family?  Well, I think I’m done with that. 
It’s not that I don’t love my family, in fact my favorite nephew is, or should I
say was, so high up on the list that I offered to pick him up at the airport
(and on a quick side note, the airport in question was Cleveland Hopkins
International Airport, which I must say is a whole hell of a lot smaller than
Chicago’s O’Hare Airport).  And sure, I complained a bit about the fact
that his flight was getting in at 6:40 AM Cleveland time, which is 5:40 AM Dude
time, which means waking up at about 4:30 AM Dude time to pick him up, yet there
I was, at baggage claim #9.  There he was, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
as he was getting in from a red-eye from Las Vegas, so I let him nod off a bit
on the ride back to my folk’s house, and tried to keep quiet at home so he could
take a nap.

Now, in my preparation for coming home for the holidays, one of
our traditions is to see a movie on Christmas Day, but since I might be
traveling back to the dude-pad that day, I figured wouldn’t it be great to head
to the movies with my nephew on Friday evening, and maybe hit the bars
after,where he could give me the hip ways to pick up college dudettes these
days, and I could show him that his uncle has no right trying to pick up college
dudettes.  Oh, wait, he’s not 21 yet, but I did hold off on my seeing
"Rocky Balboa" before he showed up, thinking that would be our movie to catch
this weekend in pseudo-tradition for Christmas.

But alas, this afternoon, in
telling some of his exploits in Sin City, it came out that he had already seen
an aged Rocky try to re-claim his glory.

And so, figuring that, for a change,
I wouldn’t have to go to the movies alone, and remembering what our staff
member, Whammy, once said, "Only losers go and see movies alone," well it looks
like tomorrow I’ll be a loser.  At least my favorite niece might have been
fast thinking enough to lie about what movies she has seen so as not to ruin
Christmas Weekend.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: SNL Suggests a Gift For Your Girl, Stu’s Looking for an Angel, and The Dude is Looking for Puzzles.

For this podcast Stu Gotz and The Dude on the Right are working to get their Christmas season done. Thanks to Saturday Night Live, The Dude has a suggestion on what Stu should give Mama Gotz. Meanwhile, Stu is looking for an Angel with a big dress, The Dude is looking for jigsaw puzzles, and there is also talk about murder, Happyness, and TiVo.
Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: SNL Suggests a Gift For Your Girl, Stu’s Looking for an Angel, and The Dude is Looking for Puzzles.


The Dude on the Right

Christmas is coming for us Christian folk, and Stu Gotz and I talk about some
things affecting us this weekend, before the weekend, before the big day. 
Stu missed going to the zoo with his family because the weather folks messed up
their forecast for Sunday, while thanks to watching
Saturday Night
(look for "A Special Christmas Box," and be over 18), I give Stu a
suggestion as to what he might want to give Mama Gotz for the special day. 
Stu is also looking for an Angel for the top of his Christmas tree (she needs to
have a big butt,) and me, well, I can’t seem to find any jigsaw puzzles. 
There’s also some talk about murder,

, and my TiVo hating the Sci-Fi channel.

Thanks for

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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Screwed Up Animation, Too Much “Star Wars,” and the NFL Network Should Get a Clue. Merry Christmas!


The Dude on the Right

As I’m at home this Saturday night, becoming pissed at myself for my, hmm,
improper animation techniques (which actually means I screwed up a good chunk of
our animated review for "Apocalypto" that I wanted to get posted this weekend),
I also have the Dallas Cowboys vs. Atlanta Falcons game on my NFL Network
Channel in between my watching, again, thanks to the Cinemax folks, my various
"Star Wars" fixes.

For the animation, as I got through most of the subtitling
that would be necessary, I realized most of none of it was going to work because
I forgot about the camera angles I would use (I should have fully outlined the
animation schedule on paper, instead of doing it in my head).  In trying to
rush the animated review, I pretty much set it back a week due to heading home
for Christmas and my lack of computing power in Ohio.  My fault, but it was
a stupid mistake, which wouldn’t have happened if I had just done some proper

I’m also wishing, hoping, praying, that Cinemax is almost done with
their various showing of the "Star Wars" films.  For "Episode I" I’m a
sucker for the hope that Anakin is the one to save the galaxy, "Episode II"
gives me Senator Amidala to be happy she is of age, and she looks great as
monsters rip off her clothes.  "Episode III" has great fight scenes and
sadly, the end of Mace Windu.  "Episode IV" is always great but sort of
creepy.  Great because it was the first "Star Wars" movie, that I saw at
the Avon Lake Theater in Ohio before they remodeled from one screen to four, and
creepy, because now we now Princess Leia is Luke’s sister.  "Episode V" was
the dark episode, but I was now at the age when "A New Hope" started to make
sense.  And then came "Episode VI," "The Return of the Jedi," where
everything worked, except the Ewoks still suck, even watching it today.

enough about "Star Wars," what is really pissing me off tonight is the NFL
Network and their bizarre insistence of showing games on their cable channel. 
All I can ask is "Umm, Dudes at the NFL Network, have you, or your producers,
even watched the games that CBS, FOX, and NBC, have perfected.?"  Your
announcers don’t work together, your camera shifts blow, and no dude wants to
see a "long shot" of the cheerleaders – Give us the close-up, with the cutest of
them juggling their jugs and pom-poms for the camera.  And don’t get me
started on your trying to expand the season to a Thursday night and Saturday
night.  I totally forgot the Cleveland Browns/Pittsburgh Steelers’ game was
on a couple of Thursdays ago.  Sorry, NFL Network dudes, you’re just not on
my weekday radar.  And the only reason I tuned in to this Saturday’s game
with Dallas and Atlanta was because I heard someone else talk about how bad the
production (including the announcer talk) was.  And they were right. 
Dear NFL, leave the football to when we want it:  Sunday – All day, and
Monday night.  And never, ever, take away our Thanksgiving Day games. 
These extra Thursday night and Saturday games are crap, especially with your
presentation, so just cut it out and get back to what we want to see, and not
your convoluted way to make more money.  The only reason reason I was able
to watch your game tonight, which sucked, was because A: I was home on a
Saturday night.  And B: I pay for everything on my cable channel.

I’ve got to get back to my animating that I screwed up, but that’s okay. 
It’s that weird time of year when sometimes when things go wrong, you get a
little bummed, but then remember that it’s the Christmas Season, so sometimes
work can be put on a burner a little further back.  Our animated review of
"Apocalypto" will be posted, eventually, just not as soon as I planned. 
Merry Christmas.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: The Biggest Loser, The Plight of the Nauga, and The Golden Globe Nominated Movies I Didn’t See.

For this podcast The Dude on the Right agrees with Howard Stern that Caroline Rhea, the host of “The Biggest Loser,” ruined the emotional moment when Erik won, he also tries to remind people about the plight of the Nauga, and wonders why he doesn’t see movies in the drama category of the Golden Globes.

The Biggest Loser, The Plight of the Nauga, and The Golden Globe Nominated Movies I Didn’t See.


The Dude on the Right

In this podcast, as a fan of
"The Biggest
I tell tales of how I was happy to hear
Howard Stern on his
Sirius show this morning state how annoyed he was with the host,
, and her not shutting up when Erik won after he lost an amazing 214
pounds.  I was in total agreement with Howard, as was a friend of mine,
Crash, that Caroline needed to just keep quiet and let Erik enjoy the moment
with his family, friends, and his trainer, Bob.  I also hope to remind all
of you about the plight of the nauga, especially during this holiday season when
we drink their young.  And finally I question my credentials as a movie
reviewer since I haven’t seen any of the movies that were nominated for Best
Movie in the drama category for the
Golden Globes
I guess I’m a comedy movie kind of dude.

Thanks for

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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My Christmas Display is Done… For No One to See.


The Dude on the Right

2006 Christmas display is done.

Thank God.

And I may never do it again.

finally got all of the fake snow I needed, but I think I overdid it.  I
broke the head off of my new horse riding dude, but luckily it was a clean break
since I don’t have any glue – His head rests gently on his body.  The train
doesn’t work like it should (damn cow-catcher keeps catching on the track joints
and derailing it, and the tracks need a good cleaning so even when the train did
run it didn’t have a lot of umph).  The windmill bent so it doesn’t rotate. 
I think I had some soap residue in the cup I used to fill the wood mill scene
because it bubbles a bit.  And I couldn’t find a sniper dude to man the new
mountain post (and it just occurred to me that I should have gone to the toy
store and picked up some green toy soldiers – that would have worked perfectly).

I should have picked up some more "flat" snow to cover my window blinds.  I
broke the head off of Sally from Peanuts, one of my Christmas Tree decorations,
when the tree was "side heavy" and fell over a bit when I was trying to plug it
in.  The addition of the waterfall didn’t come out nearly as cool as the
waterfall I had when I was managing a Radio Shack.  And as I look at the
waterfall backdrop now, it looks like a crazed animal, ready to eat my village. 
The "mountains" I made aren’t very sturdy, so I can’t run the ski-lift. 
And yet, another issue…

of my friends say they want to come and see my Christmas display.  Sure,
the Christmas display looks cool, but now I have to clean the rest of the
Dude-Pad before any invites are sent.

My Christmas decorating used to be very
simple.  I bought a fake tree one year, decorated it, and carried it up the
stairs, to my spare bedroom, still decorated.  The next couple of
Christmas’ my decorating took about 10 minutes – I would move an end table in
front of the window, go upstairs and grab my "decorated tree," carry it down the
stairs, put it on the end table, and my decorating was done.  Then, for
whatever messed up reason (I’m blaming a friend from high school), I decided to
start my own holiday village, and now, rather than taking 10 minutes to be
festive, it takes me days.  And it never goes as smoothly as I think it

why I’m thinking of taking a wide-angle picture.

Yup, getting back to my "lazy
days of Christmas decorating," I’m thinking of taking a nice wide-angle picture
of my Christmas display, getting it enlarged to about 10 feet wide, and next
year, instead of all of this "decorating" crap, just hanging the picture at the
end of my living room, and suddenly the dude-pad will be festive.  No more
broken heads, no more trains that derail, no more lame waterfalls looking to eat
my village.  Nope, just a giant photograph to unroll at Thanksgiving, and
roll back up again after Christmas.

Life seems to have been so much simpler
when I was young.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!