What’s New? Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast: Stu’s Done with “The Family Guy” and “Happy Feet,” The Dude Does “Casino Royale” and Wonders About a “Food Source Not Known.”

For this podcast Stu Gotz is back in town and The Dude on the Right is happy. Stu talks of times at Disney and at “Happy Feet,” while The Dude on the Right talks of “Casino Royale” and informs Stu that their favorite resaurant is clean, at least in the City of Chicago’s eyes, while one restaurant is closed for a food source. The Dude still wonders when he will catch up on his TV watching even though “Dancing with the Stars” done.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: Stu’s Done with “The Family Guy” and “Happy Feet,” The Dude Does “Casino Royale” and Wonders About a “Food Source Not Known.”


The Dude on the Right

Thank God in Heaven because Stu Gotz is back town and I was able to send Lou
packing for now!  That means Stu and I give our weekend wrap-up, and as he
questions me as to what I’ve been up to while he’s been gone, I can’t really
remember.  He got to see "Happy Feet" with his kids and did he like it? 
Not so much.  Me, I tell him of my escapades seeing "Casino
"  Stu was also a little worried one of

our favorite restaurants
might be on the City of Chicago’s
shut-down-because-of-shit list, or just shut down for health code violations,
but happily it wasn’t on the list. 

There was a place
, though, with an unknown food source, and you
stereotypically might think is was a Chinese restaurant, but it wasn’t.

also try to catch up on our TV viewing, and Stu wants me to come back from my
Thanksgiving travels with a good story and an interesting picture.  We’ll
see how that goes.

In any case, it’s good to have Stu back because I don’t
think I could have survived another podcast

with Lou filling in

Thanks always for visiting, and thanks for listening.

And, oh yea.  Save the cheerleader.  Save the world.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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Turkey Day Week Plans Already Are Going to the Birds.


The Dude on the Right

With Turkey Day being this coming Thursday, this is always a weird week to
actually try to accomplish anything as planned.  Most people either take
off the entire week, realizing nothing substantial will get accomplished, or go
to work because they have to only to worry most of the time about how this
Thanksgiving will turn out and if there will be any fights.  Me, my Turkey
Day week of trying to accomplish things but not sticking with my game-plan has
already started.

First off, this weekend, I actually had four movies I wanted
to see.  "Casino Royale," "Shut Up & Sing," "Happy Feet," and "Let’s Go to
Prison" were all on my list.  I even had the schedule planned.  I
would see the first showing of "Casino Royale" on Saturday, followed immediately
by "Happy Feet" and I would still be able to catch the end of the Ohio
State/Michigan football game.  Then there was a 10AM showing of "Let’s Go
to Prison" on Sunday morning, which would have worked perfectly to see the
Chicago Bears game, and I could go and see "Shut Up & Sing" after the Bears’
defeat of the New York Jets.  I also figured I could fit in cleaning my
bathroom and maybe even some exercising during the weekend.  And, oh yea, I
was going out Saturday night to top it all off.

Then I remembered I should
probably get the brakes on my car looked at, and my self-diagnosed OCD kicked in
at getting all of our IMDB
links fixed so I could re-design our

Movie Theater
review archives (the re-design hasn’t happened as of this blog

With my plans now in flux, I go and see "Casino
" on Saturday, just as planned.  Skipping "Happy Feet" I head to
the place I’ve always gone to when having my brakes looked at, only to find they
changed their hours on Saturday, closing at 1PM.  So I head to the local
Midas, only they are already filled for the day.  So much for my brakes. 
Those plans screwed, I went home to watch Ohio State beat Michigan, while
feverishly updated our IMDB links because I was heading out Saturday evening.

Then of course I stayed out too late.

Yup, oversleeping on Sunday morning blew
"Let’s Go to Prison" out of the movie viewing schedule, the Bears did beat the
Jets, but by that time I could see "Shut Up & Sing" or continue with my OCDing
of our IMDB links, especially since I was so close to being finished, so I opted
for my OCDing.

So, lets’ see.  This weekend I wanted to see four movies
and I saw one.  I wanted to clean my bathroom but at least I did do 
laundry. I wanted to exercise, but sadly only my fingers and mouse hand got any
exercise.  At least I did get all of our IMDB links finished, if only I
could catch up on some of my TV viewing right now instead of typing this blog
and watching the Dallas Cowboys play the Indianapolis Colts.

So much for
getting anything I really want to get done during Turkey Day week so far, and I
haven’t even brought up when I might get some time to set up my Christmas

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Movie Review of “Casino Royale.”

For this movie review of “Casino Royale,” The Dude on the Right was surprised to find that he really liked a James Bond film without any totally wacky gadgets. He liked Daniel Craig in the role of James, wishes his accountant looked like Eva Green, but just thought most of the scenes dragged on just a little too long.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Congrats Emmitt, Poor Karina, Zubrowka and the FDA, and A Challenge.

For this podcast The Dude on the Right is happy that Emmitt Smith won “Dancing with the Stars,” wonders about Karina’s pissy attitude, wishes the FDA wouldn’t ban some substances, and wonders if his niece or sister will participate in a podcast for Thanksgiving. All in good time.

Congrats Emmitt, Poor Karina, Zubrowka and the FDA, and A Challenge.


The Dude on the Right

I was very happy to see Emmitt Smith win this season’s "Dancing with the Stars"
competition, but was shocked at the look on Karina’s face as she realized she
(and Mario) didn’t win.  She looked scorn, almost with the attitude of "We
should be the fucking winners, not those two," but the only thing she had going
for her was Mario pronouncing her name with a Spanish flair.  And what was
with Mario’s pronouncing of her name, because she was of Russian descent, not
Spanish, yet Mario kept giving her name a Spanish tinge.  Either that or I
don’t know my Russian.  And does she really think she has a chance at being
Mario’s long-term love interest?  Maybe he has changed, but I hope she
knows how to use Google!

I also wonder about the FDA and vodka (specifically
Zubrowka, a.k.a. Bison Grass Vodka), and also wonder if either my sister or
niece will want to do a podcast when I visit the old country for Turkey-Day. 
I suppose we’ll see next week!

Thanks always for visiting, and thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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Emmitt Smith, You Can’t Touch Him, and I Re-Found Zebrahead.


The Dude on the Right

Much like I can figure most people watching the "Dancing
with the Stars
" finale, you’ve already got your favorite, and that favorite
can fall on their ass, drop their partner, or even stare at the camera and say
something like "This show is the dumbest-ass show I have ever been on." 
Fine, the last one will definitely not happen, but we’ve all got our favorites,
and I’ll be voting for

Emmitt Smith
, or at least try to vote.

I am happy this season of "Dancing
with the Star" is almost over because I do need to free some time to catch up on
my TV viewing, and actually getting some real stuff done, but after last week, I
am suddenly rejuvenated and my multitasking abilities seem to back, better than
ever. (You see, as I type this, Emmitt just got a "perfect score").  And
with my TiVo, tomorrow’s result’s show should be a breeze since I don’t need to
see all of the filler stuff, just who wins.  And nothing against Mario, GO

TV aside, as I work to get back into the concert and music
thing, sometimes I have to thank my Sirius Satellite Radio because today I
re-found a band I really liked, one I sort of fell out of touch with except when
some of their songs popped up on my iPod during my exercising, and that band is
I found them during their "Playmate
of the Year
" days, but on the road today, I heard their latest single,
"Anthem," and I’m right back being a Zebrahead fan.  Music re-finds
yourself sometimes, in different places, because the only reason I heard them
today was due to a traffic accident (not mine, but I was stuck in the resulting
traffic).  I have to thank those who got in the accident, I just hope
nobody, well, was seriously hurt.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: Lou & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: “Stranger than Fiction” and House Cleaning, with Special Guest Lou.

For this podcast of “Lou & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up,” since Stu Gotz is still out of town, The Dude on the Right enlists help from his other buddy, Lou. Lou is a weird dude, was trying to pick up babes in Orlando, and wonders why Will Ferrell wasn’t running around like he was on fire in “Stranger than Fiction.” The Dude tries to set Lou straight, and wonders if he’ll ever invite Lou back for a podcast.

Lou & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: “Stranger than Fiction” and House Cleaning, with Special Guest Lou.


The Dude on the Right

Stu is still out of town so I enlisted a friend, Lou, to sit in for what this
week is "Lou & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up."  Looking back now, this seems
like a mistake.

In any case we hear about Lou trying to pick up "babes" in Orlando, and his
wondering if Brad Pitt’s baby was in the "Babel" movie since Will Smith has his
son in Will’s next flick.  He also wasn’t able to see "Borat,"
but I at least do my best to tell him a little about "Stranger
than Fiction
" and why sometimes men have to clean their house.  Lou
does have one compelling reason why I should run for Governor instead of
President, and even tries to come up with a song for me.

Lou’s a weird dude.  I really hope Stu will be back next week because I
don’t think I can take another week of Lou.

Thanks always for visiting, and thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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My Male PMS is Over (I Hope.) Now I Have TV to Watch.


The Dude on the Right

Thank God "Lost" is going on hiatus because I have too much TV to watch, and too
much I need to catch up.  Hell, I’m trying to catch up on last week’s
"Heroes" as I type this, want to watch the "60 Minutes" special about Ed Bradley
which is recording now, the Chicago Bears’ game is starting in about an hour,
and now that the NBC folks say they aren’t going to cancel "Studio 60 on the
Sunset Strip" I suppose I should try to catch up with last week’s episode, and
I’m not even going into my still needing to catch last week’s "Survivor,"
"Battlestar Gallactica" or the meerkat show.

But next week things slow down
even more because it’s the finale of "Dancing with the Stars," pitting Mario
Lopez vs. Emmitt Smith, and I’m an Emmitt fan so I might actually vote this

I think part of my backlog was having a crappy week, which I think
caused me to lose some of my concentration skills, and just as important, my
ability to multitask.  This weekend, though, I think I am starting to get
back in the groove. I got over my writer’s block and wrote my concert review of

"Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers,"

"Stranger than Fiction"
and got that review written.  I was also able
to do some cleaning of the dude-pad while still watching Brett Favre and the
Packers beat the Minnesota Vikings.

Maybe it was male PMS, maybe it was the
Chicago Bears’ losing to the Miami Dolphins that got to me, but last week was a
challenge.  We all have those weeks.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!