The Folks at McDonald’s are Psychic or They Hate Me.


The Dude on the Right

Either the folks at
are psychic, or they just hate me.  Here’s why…

Sunday morning and I am reading my morning newspaper.  There isn’t anything
totally exciting in the newspaper, then again, there usually isn’t, but I still
enjoy, even in this digital age, reading the newspaper.  So I finish the
news portion of the paper, and now it’s time to peruse the bundle of ads to find
stuff I don’t really need that’s on sale.  Nothing at Circuit City, nothing
at Meijer, nothing at the furniture stores, and there it was, the Best Buy ad. 
I know, right now you’re wondering what the hell a Best Buy ad has to do with
the people at McDonald’s hating me or being psychic?

Well, it seems Best Buy
has once again teamed up with McDonald’s, and there, in the Best Buy flyer, was
the announcement that the Monopoly game is starting up again at McDonald’s come
October 3rd.  Even though I have never won anything cool during McDonald’s
Monopoly promotion, there is a sense of excitement pulling those little pieces
off of the hash brown wrapper, off of the fries’ box, or off of my large Diet
Coke.  What will it be?  Will I be an instant winner of maybe a
breakfast sandwich?  Better yet, maybe I’ll win a cool prize instantly. 
Better yet, the excitement of wondering if this will be the piece that completes
my trilogy of Pacific, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania Avenues.  My game
board becomes filled, usually with that one elusive piece that makes me a big
winner missing for each block of properties.

I love the McDonald’s Monopoly
game, and here is why I know they hate me, or might be psychic.

I’m watching "The
Biggest Loser
" last Wednesday and decide it is time to start my diet plan
and actually do some exercising.  But being the procrastinator I am, and
with the weekend coming up, I look at the calendar and decide that October 1st
would be the perfect day to start.  I could eat a little crappy on
Saturday, a nice steak with a big ol’ baked potato smothered with butter and
sour cream, but then go grocery shopping on Sunday for nothing but healthy food
and start hitting that exercise bike on Monday morning.  It was a perfect
plan up until Sunday morning when I saw that damn Best Buy ad.

Now what the
hell am I supposed to do?

I love the McDonald’s Monopoly game, but still want
to be a big loser, and herein lies the true dilemma.  If I skip the dieting
and play the McDonald’s game I’ll probably be a big loser, and if I don’t play
the game and eat healthy and exercise during October, I’ll be a big loser. 
Now I just have to decide which way I really want to be a bigger loser.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A Podcast of: “Ugly Betty,” Why is Jerry Springer Still Dancing, and Concerts in October.

For this podcast, The Dude on the Right already has too many shows to watch on Thursday so can’t understand why ABC put “Ugly Betty” against all of his other favorite shows. He also has his idea of why Jerry Springer is still dancing, and ponders setting up some October concerts.

“Ugly Betty,” Why is Jerry Springer Still Dancing, and Concerts in October.


The Dude on the Right

Preparing for this podcast and making sure my extra TiVo was recording the
season premiere of "Smallville,"
there was one more show I sort of wanted to watch, oddly enough called "Ugly
"  It is sort of "The
Devil Wears Prada
" meets some show famous in South America, or something
like that, only "Ugly Betty" isn’t Anne Hathaway.  I’ve already got too
much TV to watch and I can’t understand why ABC would but the show against "Survivor"
and "My Name is
"  I also can’t understand why Jerry Springer is still "Dancing
With the Stars,
" and after seeing Roger Waters tomorrow, I’m trying to set
up my October concert calendar.

Thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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A Roger Waters’ Concert Review is Coming Soon, Thanks to The Mystery Dude.


The Dude on the Right

If all goes well as planned for this week, tomorrow comes another podcast, this
time a solo me o, and over the weekend, a return to the concert scene with a
review of Roger Waters as he makes his way to Illinois.  And I can’t
believe I even did a CD review yesterday, that being "Face
the Promise" from Bob Seger

My choice for seeing Roger Waters came about
in a weird way because I was torn, and still am bummed at who I am missing. I’ve
been looking to get back to concerts again after a brief return last year, and
had my sights set on this upcoming weekend.  Two acts I love were playing,
one of course being Roger
, the other being The Cathy Richardson Band, sadly on the same day. 
Stu Gotz tried to help me get through my dilemma on who to see, based simply
upon web traffic (Roger Waters), but I also had in my head the act I hadn’t seen
in a while and always enjoyed, and that was
Cathy Richardson and her
band.  But then an e-mail from staff member,
Mystery Dude
, pretty much decided it would be Mr. Waters.  He had a
quartet of tickets for the Roger Waters’ show, and was looking forward to a
little "reunion" of a group of us who went to college together, and thoroughly
enjoy Roger Waters.  So my decision was pretty much made for me, and with
one concert review, this will hopefully get my off my ass to get "The
Concert Hall
" section back up and humming again.

So my apologies to Cathy
Richardson and her band, because had it not been for a "reunion" of some of my
best friends, I would have probably headed your way.  In any case here’s
hoping seeing Roger Waters kicks me in the ass again to get back on the concert

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

What’s New? A CD Review of “Face the Promise” by Bob Seger.

For this CD review of “Face the Promise” by Bob Seger, The Dude on the Right loves to hear midwest rock and roll, and Bob Seger does it with the best of those he remembers. For you teens who like classic rock, check out this from one of those whose songs you probably listen to.

What’s New? A Podcast of: Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: Rude Neighbors, Kids in the Way, Some “Jackass” and More, and Less!

For this podcast of “Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up,” The Dude on the Right has neighbors who don’t know how to party nicely, Stu has kids who have horrible timing, and The Dude tries not to give too much away about “Jackass Number Two.” Then there is more, and then there is less, so go ahead and listen.

Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: Rude Neighbors, Kids in the Way, Some “Jackass” and More, and Less!


The Dude on the Right

It’s hard to believe how much we fit into 18 minutes, but here’s another episode
of "Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up."  I have neighbor problems and ask
Stu for help, Stu has kid problems, and doesn’t ask me for help, I’m still
waiting for Stu to e-mail me a video of someone who might be "Shakira" naked,
yet all I get is an e-mail from him directing me to

a couple of fat dudes
.  Stu didn’t see "Jackass
Number Two,
" but I did,  and then he crosses a line to which I have to
apologize to my family, unless any of them find it funny.  Then, well,

Thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

Download and Listen Here Subscribe Here

Yahoo! Podcasts

What’s New? How Do you Review a Movie Like “Jackass Number Two.”


The Dude on the Right

In my years of doing movie reviews I stumbled across a weird thing today: 
How do you review a movie that really isn’t a movie?  For this case it was
my review of "Jackass Number Two," and I didn’t know where to go with it,
especially since I found the movie very funny in a kind of way that can’t be
reviewed.  And maybe that is why some of the other movie critics can’t like
this movie for what it is, because this is a movie that can’t really be reviewed
in the movie review kind of way.  There is no plot development, they’re not
seeing this movie for cinematography, and there aren’t any special effects for
them to go "goo-goo, gaa-gaa" over.  Maybe they just can’t see the humor in
a guy trying to hitch a ride on a big red rocket (in this case Johnny
Knoxville), nor why anyone would want to see what horse semen tastes like. 
Yet they try to review "Jackass Number Two" like it’s "Titanic."

But really,
"Jackass," as I see it, in its core, is a movie about a bunch of dude-friends
bonding, each time, because we all do stupid stuff at times, and what worse time
than to have all of our friends around us laughing at us when it happens. 
Or in a funnier case, when all of your friends are in on a joke, tormenting one
of your friends.  Sure the likes of Johnny Knoxville, Bam, Wee Man,
Steve-O, and the rest of the Jackass boys take it to another level, but as boys,
at least those of us who got outside sometimes instead of stuck behind a
Playstation, didn’t you want to see if you could actually jump off a roof using
an umbrella to coast you down? (It doesn’t work).  When isn’t someone
getting hit in the balls not funny? (Except when it is you and your balls). 
And didn’t you ever try to jump your bike over anything? (And you crashed on
your ass to the delight of your friends).

In any case I did my review of
"Jackass Number Two," but as I look back on if after writing this blog, and
fellow critics, take this to heart, you can’t really review the movie. 
There should be only be two reviews for the "Jackass Number Two.": "It’s funny
as hell," or "I was so disgusted I wanted to walk out and vomit."  Any
reviewer who give this movie a middle-of-the road review, like 2 stars out of 4,
is copping out by A: Not wanting to admit that the movie made them laugh their
ass off, thus reducing their reviewing street-cred.  Or B: Were so
disgusted you can’t understand why guys think this shit is funny, yet understand
that some people find this funny so I have to at least give it 2 stars. 
Me, I understand the appeal of the movie, and that’s why
I gave it 5 stars out
of 5.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!