Stu & The Dude’s Weekend Wrap-Up: Vin Diesil, X-Mas Cards, The Colonel’s Great Grandson, Karen With Nice Boobs, and Six Degrees of Movie Quotes.


The Dude on the Right

Much to the delight of some, the disgust of others, and the utter non-interest
of the rest, Stu and I are back for our Weekend Wrap-Up Podcast.  My
weekend was filled with fun and merriment and a little booze as I got together
with some friends from college, and I fill Stu in on some of the happenings I
can remember.  These include meeting someone who claims to be related to
Colonel Sanders, meeting someone with nice boobs, and just having a good time. 
Stu, meanwhile, is having issues with Mama Gotz and Christmas cards, and watched
Me Guilty
" with Vin Diesel.  Stu also comes up with a new game dealing
with six degrees of movie quotes.  My first challenge for him: 
Connect "I’ll never let go, Jack" to "His nose is cold" via six movies. 
Excitement abounds!

Thanks for

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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