Dr. T & The Women

MPAA Rated – R
It’s 2:02 Long
A Review by:
The Dude on the Right

Dr. T & The Women
Movie Stats & Links
Starring: Richard Gere, Helen Hunt, Farrah Fawcett, Laura Dern, Shelley Long, Kate Hudson, Liv Tyler, Tara Reid
MPAA Rated: R
Released By: Artisan Entertainment
Release Date: 2000
Kiddie Movie: Don’t even think about it.
Date Movie: Don’t go with her, let it be a girl’s night out, unless, of course, you want to see Farrah Fawcett’s boobies.
Gratuitous Sex: Farrah shows her boobs, so does Helen, and there’s some sex going on.
Gratuitous Violence: Nah.
Action: Nah.
Laughs: A couple of chuckles.
Memorable Scene: The ending because it sucked.
Memorable Quote: None.
Directed By: Robert Altman

Alright, dudes, don’t let your dudette take you to see “Dr. T & The Women.” Period. You will see the glowing reviews, you will think it can’t be that bad, and your dudette will want to see it because it looks cute, has Richard Gere, and you made her see “Remember the Titans.” But don’t let her take you. Suggest she get together with her gal-pals and make an evening of it. Then let her come back home and when you say “How was the movie?” have her lie to you and say it was great. How’s that for an opening paragraph?

I almost looked forward to seeing “Dr. T & The Women.” It looked kinda cute and yea, maybe a chick-flick, but I can get in touch with my sensitive new-millennium side for a couple of hours and get a chuckle, but then I started seeing review ratings from critics who usually don’t find a funny movie funny but think an artsy movie is the funniest thing since sliced bread. They found “Dr. T…” a great film and I wished I had spent my hard-earned dough on “Ladies Man.”

“Dr. T & The Women” revolves around Dr. Travis (Richard Gere). He’s a gynecologist in Dallas with an upscale clientele. Yup, rich bitches. His life is quickly falling apart as his older daughter, Dee Dee (Kate Hudson) is planning her wedding. Bad things start happening to him like his wife (still looking good Farrah Fawcett) stripping naked and dancing in a fountain at the mall then getting institutionalized, his clientele getting even more uppity, bad luck on the hunting excursions, cheating on his wife with Bree (Helen Hunt) – well, maybe that’s not a really bad thing, but anyway, just a lot of crap keeps happening to him. His younger daughter Connie (Tara Reid), can’t deal with the wedding happening, and for very good reason, and his office manager nurse has the hots for him but doesn’t really show it. All is going to hell for Dr. T, and that’s just the beginning.

I won’t waste any more time on the story line because, well, other than his life going to shit there isn’t one. Alright, sure there is if you get all artsy and symbolic and like seeing rich people made fun of, but for me I was just a hodgepodge of too many people around Dr. T. Yes, Richard Gere was good in his role, I generally always love Helen Hunt and liked her in this movie too, and Farrah was great in playing the truly spacey wife, but this movie was so damn over the place that in the end I just didn’t care. And, oh yea, then there is the symbolic ending complete with tornado and baby being born. I didn’t need to see it, it just seemed stupid, and I know Robert Altman is one for symbolism and artistic films, but give me his M*A*S*H any day over “Dr. T & The Women.”

You will either think this movie is great or think this movie sucks. I thought it sucked. I’ll give it a star for the acting, give it a star for Farrah getting buck-naked in a fountain, give it a star for Helen Hunt and her somewhat nude scene, but take away a star for the stupid ending. Altman should have skipped the tornado and had Dr. T drive his ruined convertible off of the bridge because his life just hit the total bottom.

Adding the stars it’s 2 out of 5. This film could have been great, it had so much potential, but a potentially good movie gets fucked up by a director just making it too artsy.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!


MPAA Rated – PG
It’s 1:51 Long
A Blu-ray Review by:
The Dude on the Right

Movie Stats & Links
Starring: Hilary Swank, Richard Gere, Ewan McGregor
MPAA Rated: PG
Released By: Twentieth Century FoxHome Entertainment
Kiddie Movie: Maybe girls who want to fly, but it’s kind of slow.
Date Movie: My BFF fell asleep.
Gratuitous Sex: There are undertones of Amelia being a lesbian but it turns out she is a hussy. Sadly there isn’t too much hussy-dom
Gratuitous Violence: Nah.
Action: Nah.
Laughs: There is a chuckle or two.
Memorable Scene: Sadly it’s on the “Deleted Scenes” section of the Blu-ray.
Memorable Quote: “You missed it, though. It’s over there.”
Directed By: Mira Nair
Cool Thinks About the DVD: The Blu-ray extras give some in-depth looks at the making of, and are probably a better synopsis of the movie without sitting through the nearly two hour movie.

As I was watching the extras on the Blu-ray of “Amelia” there was a deleted scene that I liked. I thought it encompassed the spirit of Amelia Earhart, it was short, to the point, and funny, and there it was, on the “Deleted Scene” portion of the Blu-ray. I guess such is my end liking of “Amelia.” Let’s get to the story, first.

“Amelia” doesn’t give many people what they might want from an a movie about Amelia Earhart (played by Hilary Swank), namely the crazy theories as to what really ended up happening to Amelia. Sure, there is the ending, recreating the extent of what people seem to know, and it’s pretty simple in the end run, but this movie is really about the life of Amelia, her passion for flying, her love life, and some of the issues a woman might have, being strong-willed in the time when flying was supposed to be mostly for men. The problem is that the movie was so over the place, trying to tell so much of her story that for the most part I was just bored and wondered how they were going to bring the movie back to its core – Amelia Earhart. The movie at times would shift to more about George Putnam (Richard Gere), her husband, than Amelia, then it would shift to Gene Vidal (Ewan McGregor), the dude she had a fling with, and then you would learn something else about Amelia. As my BFF said to me as we were watching it, “This movie is just all over the place.”

The thing is, I wanted to like “Amelia,” I really did. It was one of those movies that when it came to the theaters I thought it would have been a nice to see on the big screen, I think both Hilary Swank and Richard Gere can be great on screen, so I was somewhat excited when I popped the Blu-ray into the player at the dude-pad and snuggled with my BFF, but when she fell asleep, and I kept looking at the counter on the Blu-ray player, I knew there was trouble. It was like the movie couldn’t figure if it wanted to be a straight biopic, if it wanted to be a nice period piece, or if it wanted to just look beautiful (and it did, so I will say, that for the beautifulness of the scenery, it’s a good film), but in the end my BFF had it right, the movie was just all over the place, and for me it didn’t stick to its core, what I thought would have really made the movie, and that was the spirit brought by Amelia Earhart, in the deleted scene “Arrival in Wales.”

I guess if you are looking for a movie that looks beautiful I would recommend “Amelia,” and it does give some looks at the life of the aviatrix, and it is a safe movie, being only rated PG, but things are slow, so be ready for it, and maybe you’ll like the movie more than I did. 1 ½ stars out of 5 stars for “Amelia.”

As far as extras, there are quite a few, many that actually give a better look at the life of Amelia Earhart more than the actual “making” of the movie, and like I said, there is one deleted scene, “Arrival in Wales,” that I thought was perfect, told the story, showed the spunk, and had the rest of the movie kept to the core of that scene, I think I would have loved the film.

That’s it for this one! I’m The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!!