Emmitt Smith, You Can’t Touch Him, and I Re-Found Zebrahead.


The Dude on the Right

Much like I can figure most people watching the "Dancing
with the Stars
" finale, you’ve already got your favorite, and that favorite
can fall on their ass, drop their partner, or even stare at the camera and say
something like "This show is the dumbest-ass show I have ever been on." 
Fine, the last one will definitely not happen, but we’ve all got our favorites,
and I’ll be voting for

Emmitt Smith
, or at least try to vote.

I am happy this season of "Dancing
with the Star" is almost over because I do need to free some time to catch up on
my TV viewing, and actually getting some real stuff done, but after last week, I
am suddenly rejuvenated and my multitasking abilities seem to back, better than
ever. (You see, as I type this, Emmitt just got a "perfect score").  And
with my TiVo, tomorrow’s result’s show should be a breeze since I don’t need to
see all of the filler stuff, just who wins.  And nothing against Mario, GO

TV aside, as I work to get back into the concert and music
thing, sometimes I have to thank my Sirius Satellite Radio because today I
re-found a band I really liked, one I sort of fell out of touch with except when
some of their songs popped up on my iPod during my exercising, and that band is
I found them during their "Playmate
of the Year
" days, but on the road today, I heard their latest single,
"Anthem," and I’m right back being a Zebrahead fan.  Music re-finds
yourself sometimes, in different places, because the only reason I heard them
today was due to a traffic accident (not mine, but I was stuck in the resulting
traffic).  I have to thank those who got in the accident, I just hope
nobody, well, was seriously hurt.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!