“Ugly Betty,” Why is Jerry Springer Still Dancing, and Concerts in October.


The Dude on the Right

Preparing for this podcast and making sure my extra TiVo was recording the
season premiere of "Smallville,"
there was one more show I sort of wanted to watch, oddly enough called "Ugly
"  It is sort of "The
Devil Wears Prada
" meets some show famous in South America, or something
like that, only "Ugly Betty" isn’t Anne Hathaway.  I’ve already got too
much TV to watch and I can’t understand why ABC would but the show against "Survivor"
and "My Name is
"  I also can’t understand why Jerry Springer is still "Dancing
With the Stars,
" and after seeing Roger Waters tomorrow, I’m trying to set
up my October concert calendar.

Thanks for listening.

That’s it for this one!  I’m The Dude on the Right!!  L8R!!!

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