Brother Cane
A Concert Review |
The Dude on the Right
It was early July, and a call came in - "Hey, want to go review
Brother Cane?" I promptly said to myself, "Self, who the
hell is Brother Cane?" Lying on a beach in New Jersey, I
mentioned it to a friend of mine who I guess is the biggest fan of
Brother Cane on Long Beach Island. He even had their original CD in
his car, and played it for me. That's when I remembered the one song
I ever heard from Brother Cane - "Got No Shame." "Ah,
Brother Cane," I said. And so, it was back to Chicago, where
Brother Cane's new single was just starting to get radio- play, and
I hooked up with The Dude on the Left. We were on our way to Double
Before Brother Cane were a couple of other bands. Really quickly,
Blackbone was pretty cool. They played well. Then came this
something Red band - they sucked. On came the Nixons. How could you
go wrong with a band named (well, maybe not really named, , but it
is the same name) after our greatest president - The Nixons. They
weren't bad - weren't bad at all, and even started a fire. Cool,
fire, fire, fire, cool!!! Then, hours later, Brother Cane took the
Brother Cane were a hell of a lot more talented than I thought
they would be - but then, all I had ever heard from them was their
original CD in my friends car, "Got No Shame" almost three
years ago, and one song off of their new CD. So, I listened intently
to a bunch of songs I didn't knew, and found myself wrapped up in
them, even though the crowd seemed a little lackluster, only there
to hear "And Fools Shine On" or "..Shame."
I liked them. The guitar work was excellent, the band tight and
together, and I must say that even though the beach seemed like a
much better place to be, I was kinda glad I came back to Chicago to
see them. It definitely was not a wasted trip.
And the ratings: Blackbone - pretty good, but just not the
greatest impression, I guess the show was too short - they get a
shrug. That red band - Two Thumbs Down. The Nixons - even though
they brought fire, they still need some work. And finally, Brother
Cane. Although I like them, it ONE THUMB UP from me. They just
couldn't kick the crowd into the show, and probably need one or two
more hits without such a long delay between albums to build the fan
base again. Oh well.
Party Smart, and as always, Rellim Reeb, Rellim Reeb!!!
The Dude on the Left
Brother Cane, with lead singer Damon Johnson, although he introduced
himself as Billy Corgan, a little comment in reference to The
Smashing Pumpkins Chicago history , played Chicago on July 20th. But
let's start at the beginning. Blackbone opened first. Blackbone,
which is from Nashville, Tennessee, has only one album out,
"Homegrown", but they are a very good band. They have a
style their own but if I had to describe it they are a hard rock
band with a Rage Against the Machine type twist. But anyhow, they
played my two favorite songs off "Homegrown",
"Meatcake", and "Falling Down". This was the
third time I've seen Blackbone and I am impressed every time I see
them. If it hadn't been for the total lack of volume, they would
have sounded great, but the volume was way too low and the crowd
Next it was Mean Reds...two words...they blow.
So then it was the Nixons. The Nixons got a little more volume,
and they played well. I don't know much about them, but I liked what
I heard, when they lit a barrel of kerosene on fire, I felt like
moving around and getting a little rowdy, but once again, the crowd
just stood there. The crowd ruined the whole thing.
But then Brother Cane came out, and the guy with the volume
control finally turned it up, way up. Brother Cane played almost
flawlessly. You could tell this band has a lot of talent, it was
almost like listening to the radio, but still the crowd stood there.
The only reaction I saw was to "Fools Shine On", which got
the crowd to raise their arms, if only for a couple seconds.
And now...the verdict. It's a tough call but I can only Brother
Cane ONE THUMB UP. The sound was weak and the crowd needed an enema.
Brother Cane and Blackbone both played well and I thought the show
was good, but I can only manage one thumb for each of them. |