David Bowie &
Nine Inch Nails
w/ a bonus
review of
Henry Rollins - Spoken Work
Some Concert Reviews |
The Dude on the Right
I know you've all been wondering "Where the hell are the
Unknown Reviewers?" Well, through miscommunications, a bad
disk, and other sordid details better left unwritten, we have made
it back!!! Yep, your timely fill of concert reviews is back, and
back we are!
What better way back than David Bowie, Nine Inch Nails, and Prick
from yours truly, with an addition of Henry Rollins - Spoken Word,
from my partner in crime. Well, Prick isn't such a great way back,
but they were there at the World Music Theatre opening for Bowie and
David Bowie, unfortunately for all of us, had a bad case of the
flu. But he tried.
It was a kinda interesting entrance, playing with Nine Inch Nails
for a couple of songs, two bands which basically made for a hole
bunch of musicians on stage, singing Bowie and Nails music.
Surprisingly, or maybe not, it worked great. A great match by a new
psychotic guy in Trent, and an old psychotic guy in Bowie.
Then, without really missing a beat, the Nine Inch Nails crew
disappeared, and Bowie and his band were left with some
greco-looking mannequins.
His bought with the flu cut his show short, but in the time
playing, he tried his damnedest to reach beyond the coughing bits
and use the crowds energy to keep going. Unfortunately, it just
wasn't enough as he ended his show with a quick "I'm sorry,
Good night." It was interesting hearing older Bowie music that
never made it on the popularity scale, with his vow last tour to not
play the "classic" songs from the old days. His new music
was pretty classic too, with a stretch into newer fusion of guitar
and synthesizer-esque music. I haven't heard his new CD yet, but if
the concert was any tale, it should be pretty good.
So, the Bowie man, even with his flu, still gets TWO THUMBS UP
from me! I just wish he was in good health to finish the show, but
his attempt to push his body to the limit shows that this man cares
about his fans.
Before Bowie came a truly psychotic individual in Trent Reznor
and Nine Inch Nails. Sporting one of the best light shows in the
business, NIN busted through the unispiring Prick and through the
crowd into a frenzy. Through a mix of industrial rock, Nails showed
that even noise can be music if it is handled the right way - and
handle it they did. With a crowd of youngsters rooting them on
through hits and not so hits, NIN brought the last show at the New
World Music Theatre (I guess next year it will be just back to the
World Music Theatre!) to a level that I'm sure had the neighbors
ever wondering why they approved to let an outdoor venue come to
their back-yard. With the "Doesn't it Make You Feel
Better" song, Burn, Closer, and Trent even showing more musical
talent than breaking guitars by wailing very talentedly on a
saxophone, Nails probably scared the moms and dads who came to see
Bowie while bringing their kids to see Trent. Oh well, it was cool!
And you guessed it, Nine Inch Nails gets TWO THUMBS UP as well. A
good show all around.
Finally there was Prick. Not much to say except they seem like a
band of "want to be's." They lacked the energy to get the
crowd excited, and just didn't seem to do anything for nearly anyone
there. It's ONE THUMB DOWN from Prick. Sorry guys, get some energy!
Well, we're back! Aren't you glad!! Coming soon reviews of KMFDM
with Korn and God Lives Underwater, some Bog band reviews and
whatever else we can think of!
Coming to the Bog at IIT this week, I believe the band is Wax
Lips. Way talented, way cool, they always put on a good show!! By
the way, where is that Bog schedule? Oh well. Party Smart, and as
always, Rellim Reeb, Rellim Reeb!!
The Dude on the Left:
Well, it has been a hectic couple of weeks. I'm sure you all noticed
that there hasn't been an Unknown Reviewer's article for a while.
Sorry about that, I've been busy. I don't know what happened to the
other dude. OK. then, on to the reviews.
We'll start at the beginning. A week or two ago I was fortunate
enough to have the opportunity to see a spoken word concert of Henry
Rollins. I was looking forward to this. I was going to see Henry
Rollins yell and get pissed and read some good pissed off poetry
type things. What I found, however, was that this was not what a
night of spoken word from Henry Rollins was all about. I entered the
Vic finding that it was a packed house. It was tough to find a seat
through the haze of smoke and beer (I always wanted to use that
line). Anyway, what Henry spoke about was on a wide variety of
topics. He told some funny stories about meeting people like Jerry
Lewis, ripped on other bands, talked about the tour with his band,
and talked about his plans for the future. I found Henry to be
almost a comedic/motivational speaker. He told the crowd never to
tell yourself that you can't do something. He said if you don't do
something now you'll regret it when you get to be his age (the ripe
old age of 34). I felt like I could be president of the United
States after hearing him speak. Well maybe not, but he was a fairly
good speaker. If you are wondering what he is doing in the movies,
he had one thing to say, "The only interest I have in Hollywood
is their money. I want their money." As for what Mr. Rollins is
spending his money on, he provided a CD set for the first couple of
hundred people in the door for the show, he has two record
companies, and a publishing company. That adds up to a lot of money.
By the way, you can expect to see a book written by Henry Rollins in
early '96, and of course it will be from his own publishing company.
Henry Rollins three hours of talking added up to an enjoyable
evening even though there was no yelling or getting pissed off. I
give Mr. Rollins one, wait make that two thumbs up.
This last weekend, as you all know, the NIN/David Bowie show
rolled into town. Well not really into town, but into the World
Music Theatre. This show had a very strange crowd. There were middle
aged fathers bringing their teenage sons. The opening band for this
show was a little band by the name of Prick. Ya, that's right Prick.
What can I say about this band. Well, huh...huh...huh...they played
instruments. Actually I'm not positive about that either. It almost
sounded like they just threw a tape in the player. The most exciting
part of their performance was when the bass player tried to walk
along the lights and fell right on his face. I won't even bother
rating this band. NIN, now this is what I wanted to see. NIN opened
with "Terrible Lie" off of "Pretty Hate
Machine." Right off that bat it was a good show. They didn't
sound as good as I thought they would, but it was made up for by the
excellent light show. As a matter of fact that was the most amazing
light show I have ever seen. So, NIN went on to play songs like
"Wish", "March of the Pigs",
"Sanctified", and "Piggy". During some songs
there were two drummers playing at one time. I must say that was the
first time I have ever seen that. During the NIN set only two
guitars and one keyboard were smashed. A small number compared to
what I hear Reznor is capable of. David Bowie then came out for the
last couple of songs. I couldn't believe that Trent Reznor played
saxaphone on one of the songs, and it was actually good. On the last
NIN/David Bowie combination song both backup bands were on stage at
once. There were three drummers, four keyboards, three guitars, two
singers, and one bass. That was a musical feat. I give NIN one thumb
up. A cool show but not played as well as it could have been.
When NIN left the stage, so did many of the young audience. A lot
of people started sitting down and David Bowie, being sick with the
flu, didn't have enough energy to bring the crowd back into it.
Bowie played one of his new songs "Hearts Filthy Lesson"
along with some older stuff and started out well. After about four
or five songs, though, he started to lose his voice.
He even had to
start over a songs because his voice was almost gone. A couple of
songs later he said, "I'm sorry, good night" and left the
stage. The crowd hung around a while hoping he would come back out,
but it never happened.
I have to say a lot of people were disappointed. I have to give
David Bowie a shrug due to his illness. I'm sure if he had been full
strength it would have been an amazing show.
Just a quick note to catch up on the Bog bands. A couple of weeks
ago the band was Mariana's Trench. My memory is failing so forgive
me if I don't remember the specifics. I think they played a kind of
alternative type music. I do remember the bass player broke a string
and was looking for anyone in the crowd who had a bass. I also
remember that they were a merely average band playing average music
which earns them a nice little shrug.
That's it for this week, or the last three weeks, and maybe the
next two weeks. You never know what might happen. C U Next Thursday. |