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Denny Dent
A Concert Review |
Denny does The King |
(Dude note: Denny Dent passed away March 29, 2004.
Our review of him from our college days is below.)
The Dude on the Right
Deny Dent is cool!!! Never heard of him? Well, I wasn't sure exactly
who he was either until I saw his performance on May 5th in the HUB
Billed as a "Two Fisted Art-Attack," Deny Dent paints
these 6-foot tall images of famous figures. But it's more than just
some guy standing on a stage with a paintbrush. This man is an
entertainer and an inspiration to those who want it.
Take his painting of Jim Morrison for example. Well, he starts
with some rock-em, sock-em Doors tunes, then fixes these four,
monster size (alright, maybe not as big as a monster, but about an
inch and a half wide), brushes between his fingers. Plunging the
brushes into a variety of colored paints, he begins he work. In pace
to the music, Deny Dent begins a work of art, quickly spinning
between brushes as an image begins to appear before your eyes. And
then, as the music comes to a close some 15 minutes later, there it
is, an incredible work of Jim Morrison. It's full of action,
amazement, and good music too.
... and another King |
On this evening, Deny performed three more images: Elvis, Martin
Luther King Jr., and Jimi Hendrix. And let me tell you about Jimi's
mysterious image. As Hendrix blares through the speakers, something
is different. Now, no brushes, only his hands. He begins, dumping
his hands and throwing paint into the air with the sound of Hendrix
as his inspiration. And he continues. Yet, this image looks only
like some smears on a black canvas. Suddenly, the music stops, and
Deny comes to the audience with a look of failure in his face. He
explains that even he has a bad night now and then, and seeks refuge
behind the painting wall. As the crowd sits back, a little stunned
and disappointed, Deny re-emerges and proclaims something to the
fact of "Sometimes, even when things seem wrong, failure isn't
always what it seems - it helps to look at things in reverse."
He takes this mystical image and turns it over, and you know, it
still doesn't look that much like Jimi Hendrix. But then the music
blasts once again, and after plunging into the paint again, one
stroke of a bandanna shows a face, and another stroke and the eyes
are pronounced, and another stoke shows an image that takes full
shape and color. Finally, it is truly Jimi Hendrix.
Sometimes you have to look at things... |
... a little differently.
Deny Dent shows that everyone has a talent, and throughout the
evening he broadcasts this message to the crowd, challenging them to
find it, and use it, and make themselves better people through it.
He is entertaining, talented, and really makes a task such as art
take on a new meaning. I give Deny Dent TWO THUMBS UP!!!
Well, Deny Dent is cool! 'Nuff said. Party Smart, and as always,
Rellim Reeb, Rellim Reeb!!!
The Dude on the Left
Well well, here goes the last hurrah of the semester. It happens to
be an event that I do hope everyone attended and enjoyed because the
main act is definitely a sight to behold. His name Deny Dent, and
what he does is not comparable to anything that this reviewer has
really ever seen.
...and another King. |
Deny brings to the stage a much heralded and much regarded show
that he terms as his Two-Fisted Art Attack. To the virgin ear you
would never really know exactly what he might be doing. If you
guessed that he paints, you are a pretty good guesser. I would be
much more apt to guess something along the lines of a sculptor or
anything else that comes off a more hands on affair. Not that
painting is not, I just always think more along the lines of brushes
and such.
At any rate, Deny came to IIT for the second time in a few years
and came once again to astonish people and really put on a pretty
good show in general. He started off the evening with a portrait of
the Lizard King. I guess I should go a tad more into detail as to
what he did.
Deny takes about 4 brushes in each hand and then dips them each
into a different colored paint and then proceeds to paint the
picture of a famous person, mostly of musicians but not totally, to
the tune of their music or music of their era. Deny also like to get
the crowd involved in his painting. You see he is the kind of person
that wants to take the audiences energy and convert it into his own.
And do that he sure does. He gets really pumped as the crowd starts
to get into either the music or his fascinating work.
So, in all Deny painted four persons for the crowd this night and
they included "The Lizard King" (Jim Morrison), Martin
Luther King Jr., then "The King" Elvis, and finally ending
in Deny's typical fashion with Jimi Hendrix. If you haven't heard
about what he does with his Hendrix painting, I will not ruin it for
you but I will highly recommend you get out and see this guy if you
get the chance. I will say this, things aren't always what they
appear to be, a message that Deny believes in whole heartedly.
So I will give Deny Dent TWO THUMBS UP! A really good time had by
all. I just wish UB would have elected to keep the Elvis painting,
as I feel it would have been a better keeper than the Morrison. A
total of FOUR THUMBS UP bestows Deny Dent, I only wish I had the
money to buy one of his paintings. |