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Everything But the Girl
A Concert Review |
November 27, 1996 |
The Riviera |
Chicago, IL |
A Review by |
Stu Gotz |
(Editor's Note: When I dished out assignments, Stu
said he wanted to go see Everything But The Girl and I couldn't
really figure out why. For some reason I saw him sticking out like a
sore thumb, like when he wore a tie-dye shirt to the Engelbert
Humperdinck show. I knew he would be fair to the band if they
pleased their fans, but I had this feeling Stu was just not going to
get along with the crowd, and I knew he would write about that. I
yelled at him for leaving early, bitched him out for not writing
more about the band, so e-mail doing the same won't really be
necessary. I almost thought of not posting the review altogether,
but if you are an Everything But The Girl fan, other than Stu not
liking you or the band, he does tell you if you're money will be
well spent by going to see them. Next time we cover EBTG, there is
no way in hell I'll be sending Stu, but this time, well, please
forgive me. Thanks. DOTR)
Stu's Review:
What the hell was I thinking when I said I'd like to cover the and
Everything But The Girl when they played at Chicago's Riviera
Theater?!? Now before all you EBTG fans get your double knit
polyester shirts in a ruffle, I'm not trashing EBTG (yet).
Going into the show I was only familiar with the "I miss you
like the deserts miss the rain" song by EBTG. You hear it all
the time on the alternative radio stations and it's not half bad.
Other that that I knew nothing about the band and was actually a
little impressed by the band's very animated performance. I hate it
when bands just sit there, play the songs just like the CD, and
don't interact with the audience, and that was not the case with
EBTG. Again, not being familiar with their music, I can't say if
they deviated from their recorded version, but their live
performance was solid and tight. I guess they've been practicing.
To be honest with you I only stayed at the show for four songs.
Why such a short stay? Three reasons actually:
Reason Number One: I really don't care for their style of New Age
style of music. For me it's the kind of music people in the latest
LL Bean fashion listen to while sharing a bottle of red wine,
bitching about how the Saab has been in the shop for over a week,
and eating a portable mushroom quesadilla. That whole scene is just
not me!
Reason Number Two: There were far too many "beautiful"
and "fashionable" people in the audience. I'm talking
about the people who buy the majority of their clothes in second
hand stores, not because they're poor, but because retro is cool.
I'm not sure if I saw more fashion statements or more fashion risks.
Again, that whole scene is just not me! Especially when the guy in
the overalls and multiple piercings in front of me lit up a joint.
Reason Number Three: I went to the show with my buddy Weeze.
Weeze is a good, old fashioned, Chicago, south-side, working class
stiff. To subject him to this Latte-Head crowd was truly torture. He
did have some comments about the show which I'll share with you now.
"What is it? Ladies night?" Wheeze was not inferring that
there were a lot of females in attendance, rather that "Half
the audience was female and half of the other half was feminine
too." To which he further added "There were more guys
there in need of a hug or for their fathers to have played ball with
them as a child than I've ever seen." Weeze's last comment
concerned EBTG's lead singer, and went something like this "She
could make a basset hound look gleeful." Take those comments as
you will, but I don't think they were meant to be complementary.
What can I say about a band whose music was not to my liking and
I really didn't stick around to see. I wish I would of had photo
clearance so at least you fans would have something more to gain
from this article. EBTG didn't skip a beat during the four songs I