Buzz Kilman and
The All Bubba Blues Band
as well as
Howard and the White Boys
A Concert Review |
The Dude on the Right
On the road again, I just couldn't wait to get on the road again,
sittin' and drinkin' with all my friends, it felt so good to get on
the road again. Wow, that's sound like it could make a cool song!
Well, it is a cool song, I'm told, and has nothing to do with this
review, but you have to start somewhere.
And somewhere is where we started, somewhere new in fact called
Koko Taylor's Chicago Blues, to see not one, not two, but sort of
three different acts. They were, in order, Buzz Kilman and the All
Bubba Blues Band, special guest star The Black Lone Ranger, and then
Howard and the White Boys. Let's start with Buzz.
My last remembrance of Buzz Kilman and the All Bubba Blues Band
dates back many years ago when they played in The Bog. Back then
they were a talented band They still are.
As I sat there, I saw the band and noticed a sort of different
line-up of musical talent. There was a dudette now on guitar, I
believe they are now missing the big dude they had on bass (I could
be wrong - or he lost a lot of weight), but they still rocked, or
bluesed as it would be.
Buzz was sporting some nice shades, and I must say he has a
pretty cool job in the band. He gets to go on stage, play a little
harp (mighty talentedly I might add), sing some blues tunes, and,
most importantly, gets to drink during the extended solos that
accompany most blues songs. It almost makes me want to change
But back to the music. The set featured about three-quarter blues
tunes, a way cool version of "Radar Love," and this really
cool country version of the classic Prince tune "Purple
Rain." Why, you might ask? Well, it was a tribute to the fine
men of the Northwestern football team on their way to the Rose
Vocals the entire night were shared by all, even the dudette came
out to the front to sing the "Bum, Bum, Bum, Bum" song
which, try as I might, couldn't remember the title to. Guess I must
have killed those brain cells to too many beers ago. But anyway, she
had a way cool voice, that raspy type voice like Melissa Etheridge,
and a guitar playing skill that, in all honesty, shocked the hell
out of me after only seeing her play rhythm guitar all night. The
classic "Tightrope" by Stevie Ray Vaughn really showed and
expanded on this talent, and it just goes to show that girls can
play a mean guitar too.
Mr. Kilman came back to the front-man role, but didn't have that
"I'm too cool" attitude you might expect (him being some
famous radio personality/news guy and all). Nope, he let the entire
band show off their talents, and then introduced a very special
guest, The Black Lone Ranger.
Picture if you will, a man, an elderly man, an elderly black man,
dressed in a Lone Ranger outfit. Now, other than the being elderly
or black, I'm thinking that the Lone Ranger duds must be a great
outfit because it seems every time I saw him in the crowd he was
dancin' with women. Wonder where I can get one of those outfits?
Then, on stage, he busted into some great singing blues that had the
crowd really enjoying themselves. There he was spinning his guns and
screaming the blues, dancing around and checking out Wendy Schneider
in the front row, working the crowd and loving it, and I was a
little more impressed than when I saw him a couple weeks early at
the Johnny B. Breakfast Broadcast. He was cool.
Alright, enough of Buzz Kilman and the All Bubba Blues Band with
special guest The Black Lone Ranger. Wow, that's a mouthful. But,
they were good, the crowd had fun, and after four years and some
line-up changes I was still a little impressed. I give all of them
TWO BIG OLD THUMBS UP!!!! Great show, and great prep band for Howard
and the White Boys.
There's one thing I have to really say about Howard and the White
Boys and that is I really didn't know the names to most of their
songs. In most situations, that would seem like a bad thing for a
band being reviewed. Not for this band. It didn't matter the names
of the songs because the talent of the band kept this reviewer
enthralled the rest of the long night.
Mostly, if not all blues, this band displayed some truly
excellent talent that belongs on main-stream radio in place of many
of the bands out there that have none. It's too bad for the rest of
the country, but Howard and the White Boys are making a name for
themselves in Chicago by keeping a crowd having a great time through
every great guitar solo, every great bass note, and every great
voice that Howard can belt out.
Through upbeat songs, downbeat blues songs, and one song that
sounded like it either belonged in a porn movie or maybe Shaft, the
crowd had a great night. In the immortal words of another song, the
crowd was dancin' and singin' and movin' to the groovin'. They had a
blast, and I did too.
You guessed it, Howard and the White Boys get TWO BIG
HUGEMOUNGOUS THUMBS UP from me. Here's a band that you might not
recognize a song, but if you're not having fun you're probably dead.
Go see them before they become too big for a small club.
And so, another night, another show. The holiday season is upon
us so say hello to the folks for us!! Have a safe and happy holiday.
Party Smart, and as always, Rellim Reeb, Rellim Reeb.
The Dude on the Left
Well, well, well...We're back! Oh wait, we weren't ever really gone
but it sure does seem like it. It feels like it has been forever
since I have gotten out and done a show. Matter of fact, feels like
it had been forever since I had just flat out gotten out. Boy did it
feel good. And where, you may ask, did the nite take me? Well, it
took me to a bar that I have yet to be in, well not at least under
the current name they are going by. The bar was Koko Taylor's. And
that is its current name, as it has gone under a few other names in
my time. Goodfella's and Gingermen's to name but a couple. But now
the bar is a blues bar, and quite a blues bar at that. This past
Friday nite they hosted a couple of pretty good blues bands, one
being Buzz Kilman, yep WLUP radio personality, and the All Bubba
Blues Band along with Howard and the White Boys.
Buzz Kilman opened up the nite, well actually it was the All
Bubba band opening up the nite with some little bluesy primer before
bringing out good ole Buzz. And after a long introduction, ya know,
that whole tower of power, king of pain, man who needs no
introduction kinda bit, Buzz Kilman came out sporting the typical
dark sunglasses, and bottled beer. Looking quite dapper and exuding
an air of confidence, Buzz stepped forward and started whaling on
his harp and singing a few notes. Now, don't take that as me wailing
on Buzz, it is more like me envying him. Not only does he get to get
up way too early and deal with the funny man in Jonathan Brandmeier,
but he also gets to enjoy a night life full of danky little blues
bars full of smoke and beer. Oh, how that sounds like the life for
me. Oh wait, I guess it kinda is the life for me except that I get
to sit back and criticize them folks up there trying to entertain.
Well, Buzz and his band, whom I didn't recognize from the last
time I saw them on the grand and glorious campus of good ole IIT,
played for a solid hour and a half to two hours (I lost track). Hrm,
while on that side note of the band, what happened to the big ole
black dude playing bass? And where'd they dig up a Melissa Etheridge
sounding chick from? Guess times change. But, I do recall the little
red haired dude playing the lead guitar, so I guess not all has
Wow, I feel so disorganized this time around. There is so much
floating around in my head that I want to get down in this article,
but I don't know if I will have the room so I think it best to just
add a few lines as teasers of what I may have come out with about
Buzz and the Bubba's. Radar Love, way kewl! A Country version of
Purple Rain? Hmmmm, that squiggly lined fella might not have liked
it too much. SRV's "Tightrope" brought out some excellent
guitar work. The Black Lone Ranger, nuff said. Wendy Schneider, Loop
nite at Koko's. "Wang Dang Doodle", oh poor, poor Jerry.
And gosh, this reminded me of why I loved the Bog and how much I
hate that it has changed. Sorry I reminisce of my school band
reviewing days.
So, finally, to wrap up Buzz, not literally mind you, I give Buzz
and the Bubba's TWO THUMBS UP! I had quite a good time, except for
the expensive beer, and just love Buzz and his harp and the Bubbas.
I hope married life don't bring him down! Speaking of marriage, that
reminds me of a joke - How is marriage and a tornado alike? In the
beginning there is a lot of sucking and blowing but in the end you
lose the house! Good Luck Buzz!
Oh yeah, there happened to be another band that nite. Howard and
the White Boys came on shortly after Buzz completed his set. And
boy, when they hit the stage, the energy in the crowd jumped up
another notch. Needless to say, everyone had more of an already
enjoyable time. I don't really wish to cut Howard and the White Boys
short, but I am already running this thing a bit long so I will just
have to say that I really like Howard and the boys and recommend
them highly to everyone! So, I give Howard and White Boys TWO THUMBS
UP also. Overall, well worth the ten smackers we had to pay to get
So until the next time, hrm C.U.Next Thursday just doesn't fit
here anymore - I guess I will have to work on a new closing
paragraph. How about, for now at least, Behave, and if you can't
behave be careful. L8R. |