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Tim McGraw
with special guest Faith Hill
A Concert Review

May 30, 1996

The Rosemont Horizon

Rosemont, IL

A Review by Trash
Photos by Big Cooter
Tim McGraw
Tim McGraw Cracks a Grin!
Okay, here I am laying in bed in my jammies trying to figure out how to start this review. So, I called up Big Cooter and asked him what he thought of Faith Hill, who opened for Tim McGraw. All he could babble (like that is anything new) was "Whoa… Uhmmm. I like her." Which simply translates to he has the hots for her. I don't things he paid too much attention to the music, so I guess it is up to me.

I never really took the time to listen to Faith Hill's music until her show the Rosemont Horizon. I can say I did really enjoy the music, but, unfortunately, I really don't think she knows that to do with herself up on stage - sometimes she looked a little lost.

She started out with "Someone Else's Dream" and followed with "Take Me As I Am." This got the crowd going, well, at least the music got some people's attention because I think the little perverts were just digging the black leggings and spandex top (good thing she can pull that outfit off).

Well, after getting the crowd all jazzed up for that, she broke into "Gotta Be a Do Right Man." Boy, was that a downer!! I guess you always have to come down after something exciting. Then Faith led into her new single "Can't Lose Me." It was okay, but I thought the piano solo was actually the best part. After a quick costume change (into a black evening gown), she cruised into "It Matters to Me."

During the show, it was really funny watching the guys. It was humorous to see some guy freaking out over her. She exchanged some words with him, and he was getting all excited and sorts. I'd watch it Faith, he has stalker written all over him.

Like I said before, Faith seems to have a little problem of knowing what to do with herself during musical solos in the songs, and this was really obvious during "Can't Do That Anymore." I know it's a slow tear-jerker song, but she just seemed lost. But she did have success when a back-up singer named Lisa Gray came forward. She did an excellent job of helping out on "The Way You Do The Things You Do," and I wouldn't be surprised, with her potential, if she has her own album some day.

Continuing on, they started singing some song "Walkin' On" leaving me feeling very spiritual. I was almost afraid a ray of sunshine was going to come through the theater (it was then I realized it was a spotlight).

Now, all of a sudden, everything went down-hill. She announced the name of a song, but I couldn't understand a single word of it. Me, I'll call it the "Blah-Blah" song. She sang the "Blah-Blah" song to some guy in the audience who was all so perked up he looked like he was drooling out of the side of his mouth. Faith was really working him until he told her he was 17. She almost seemed shocked. Well, she backed off a little at that point, but still took some time to do some major digs on his age. Looks like another stalker in the making! Well, another song followed that I couldn't understand, but I will tell you this - it had an excellent acoustic and mandolin jam!

Now, Faith really seems to enjoy the song "Wild One." She finally seemed to know what to do by jumping and dancing all around. A change into a vinyl outfit and it was off to Vegas, a song I really like, and it was great live. A couple of cool oldies came up next, the likes of "Take Another Piece of My Heart" and "Open Arms."

Now, somehow I managed to be sitting where no one could sit on their butts and watch a show. Seriously, during the entire concert people kept getting up about every five minutes and going outside. I counted this one chick leaving and coming back about a dozen times during one song. People…sit your ass down and show some respect to those around you. I wondered what might be out there, but I had a job to do. I'm sorry, I digress.

Anyway, all in all, I give Faith Hill a DOUBLE MARGARITA!! I still would prefer to listen to a cowboy in tight jeans and boots. Well, what do you know, Tim McGraw was up next!

Now, one things about Tim McGraw - he is excellent in just about every way!
Tim McGraw
Tim McGraw
A lot of country singers wear the boots, jeans and hats, but what I like most about Tim was he genuinely looked like he just got back from spending the day on the fields. He had that "plain work clothes" look going! Now that's the type of man you want to come home to! After coming back to reality, I heard him singing "Where I've Never Been" and into "Down on the Farm." It was a nice touch to have the music video playing on some screens on the stage, but I'd rather look at his butt walking back and forth! He was so laid back it amazed me, and Big Cooter didn't seem to be getting into this too much. I think he still couldn't shake his stiffy over Faith but I wasn't going to look.

I really things "What You Get is What You See" was an appropriate song at this point. Hey, I wouldn't mind getting a little of that!!! Another thing that amazed me was that for the strong man he is, his voice sounded rather high, especially during "Never Lets It Go." I had to make sure it was him singing. You'd expect a stud-muffin like him to have a deep voice, but no.

Now, I really love the song "All I Want is a Life" maybe because I sure as hell don't really have one, and Tim didn't disappoint me on this. But, you know, when you think about it, what is wrong with his life? Geez, I'd trade places in a second!

Well, Bulls-mania had just started here in Chicago, so it wasn't a huge surprise to see someone throw a Bulls shirt at him, but I don't see him kickin' back watching a basketball game. He seems more like the rodeo-type, which we all know is a real sport! It takes a man with guts and stupidity (not unusual for most guys on the latter) to go bull riding. But, Tim is not a typical man - he has much more going for him.

Then came the tear jerker "She Can't Be Really Gone" (if she did - what a dingbat!)! "Refried Dreams" brought a real toe-tapper, and then a bongo solo opened up for "Make You Understand." It was really strange listening to a bongo solo at a country solo, but it made me start to crave a frozen drink. Had I gotten one or two or six, I would have been all liquored up and when you are with Big Cooter someone must stay sober (cuz we know it won't be him!). One time the drunk fool was dancing with an inflatable…. Oops, I digress.

Tim McGraw's Butt!
Tim McGraw and his butt!!!
The words to "She Drains My Tractor With Just One Kiss" got Big Cooter's attention, and I'll tell you what, he can bring the tractor over to my field anytime. But then, once again (like during the Faith Hill set), he sang some song I couldn't understand one word to. We will call this one the "Something" song. I understood "Moment to Soon" and a nice touch was some Allman Brothers like light show. It put me in a laid back frame of mind, and I don't know if it was because of the mood or the sound folks, but the words to the next two songs came out unintelligible. Big Cooter and I both tried to figure out at least one work, but to no avail. Maybe we were just too hypnotized by the lights to hear anything, but Big Cooter snapped out of it quick when Faith Hill came out in her evening gown to sing "I'm Crying Inside" with Tim. Well, I have this sneaking suspicion something is going on between those two because you don't slip that much tongue to a friend when the song ends. Boy, her life must suck!

Wrapping things up, "Don't Take the Girl" had some video clips with it and the crowd got all weepy. Too bad there was no one there to hold me. He cruised into an acoustic version of "See You Tonight" and saved the best jam for last with "I Like It, I Love It."

Tim, all in all, gets a TRIPLE MARGARITA TOAST. Two for the show, and one for his looks, especially his butt!!!

See ya!


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