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Tinley Park, IL

A Review by Big Cooter
Photos & Comments by
The Dude on the Right
Korn Photo 2Korn Photo 5Boy, I feel as if I am getting a bit repetitive with this back on the main stage, or back on the Buzz stage sayings, but I ain't clever enough, nor am I gonna spend the time, to come up with witty little crossovers. My apologies. So, as I was saying, back on the main stage, a band that I have heard a bunch about from people that I know, but I have never seen - Korn. I have heard a couple of their tunes off of a CD that I borrowed from a friend. And I bet you didn't think us reviewers did our homework on anything - you probably just thought that we went to these shows close minded and all....well there.... So, after hearing a bit of what I might get to see on stage, I was a excited. This band really seemed to be a band that put a lot of energy into their music, and I had hoped that it would do the same on this day. Low and behold, when they hit the stage, boy did they hit the stage. The lead singer, and hell the whole band for that matter, put on an exhibition of singing and dancing and jumping around that would make a lot of aerobic classes look like they were for old folks. The dreads on these dudes were flying around faster than that crazy old spin and puke thing at an amusement park. Okay, nuff of the analogies, eh? I think you get the picture. Now, I don't know many of the names of the songs that they played, a lot of the time I could hardly make out 5 words in an entire song, but what I heard I did enjoy. And I really would have to say that everyone out in the lawn had to have enjoyed this band too. Why? Because they were a moshing from the onset, and seeing that the rain was coming down pretty good by that point, I would hate to see how muddy it was getting up there. That poor sod at the World just is not gonna be the same, then again they would have to identify some sod in order for it to even try to be the same.

There did happen to be one minor flaw in the show, but I really don't think too many people noticed. It happened that the lead singer, I think his name was Jason, didn't have a microphone that worked for the 1st two songs. But like I said before, it sure as hehouse/your_house_main.htm">

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