The Weather
Always Sucks!
Q101 Jamboree 1997
A Concert Review |
So, it was here, the annual Q101
(that's WKQX in Chicago - 101.1 on your digital FM dial)
Jamboree mega-show. Yep, call it Jamboree 97, call it 12
bands, call it everything from techno to metal, call it some
9 1/2 hours of continuous music, but one thing is for sure -
you can call me tired. Not stressed out and bored tired, but
I'll tell you that I didn't start my training for this
extravaganza early enough. By the time Erasure closed out
the evening my legs were feeling like Jello, my hair was
disheveled, and I had wind-burn on my face (Lord knows it
wasn't from any sun). But I also had a new found
appreciation for some bands I knew nothing about,
reinforcement of my already liking a few bands, and still
don't like the music of Beck. All in all, it was a good day.
The day started way too quickly as I slept through my
alarm. I knew I would have to arrive early because if
tradition served me right then the lines would be snaking
around the New World Music Theatre long before the gates
opened at Noon. A quick power-shower, a drive-thru stop at
McDonald's for a #2 and a large coke, and the rally T-Bird
and me were on our way. Armed with my camera gear, eight
rolls of film, earplugs, notebook, a pen, and a jacket that
was way too light for this Autumn like day, I was ready as I
was still wiping the sleep out of my eyes.
Pulling into the parking lot there was one sure-fire
indication that this was indeed the day for Q101's Jamboree
97 - the weather sucked. I would like to make my weather
prediction for Jamboree 98 now - cloudy, probably some rain,
and cold. See, for some strange reason, maybe it's because
Mom Nature hates Q101, the weather has always just been
plain lousy for this event. Just once I would like a nice
day, some sun, girls in shorts and cut-off tops, and well,
just a nice day. But no, it was cold, somewhere in the 50's,
with a 20ish mile per hour north wind whipping through the
pavilion the entire day. The girls were all bundled up, I
was thinking I should be at a Bear's game instead of a music
show, but I will say that at least it didn't downpour like
previous years (although there was a light misting of rain
in the middle of the day). Oh well, it was time to get in
line and hope I'm inside by 1:00 for Moby, someone who,
quite honestly, I knew nothing about.
Finally inside, the long-distance marathon of Jamboree 97
was ready to begin, and
Moby was the