Barenaked Ladies
A Concert Review |
When I first saw the ad for the band Barenaked Ladies,
my first thought was to send Stu Gotz, because everyone knows how
naked women scare me and how Stu ain't afraid of nothin'. Then I
thought that I highly doubted there would be naked women there, it
was an all ages show and all. Then I thought, hey, what a cheap name
to catch guy's attentions. But, I went to the
anyway - I'm glad I did.
I arrived at the Riviera Theater in Chicago, and looked at my
watch to see exactly what day of the month it was. It was at this
time I realized the next day was my dad's birthday and I forgot to
send him a card. So, dad, if you're reading this, Happy Birthday!
You're the best. Alright, enough of that. I began to get settled,
and I next started to realize that there were tons of women, very
good looking women, and I wondered just why it was I really hadn't
heard of this band, Barenaked Ladies.
Then, as I further began to settle, what do I hear but the sound
dude is playing everything from The Bee Gee's to Frank Sinatra
before the band came out. It's been a while since I've heard a Bee
Gee's tune, and maybe sad to say, I still remembered all of the
words. Then out came the Barenaked Ladies.
Since I have no clue who Barenaked Ladies are, I think I'll just
write down the notes I scribbled as I watched the show. I think they
sum up the show, and how many times I find new favorite bands, and
Barenaked Ladies are now one of them. So, without further ado, my
notes about Barenaked Ladies (with some other notes explaining my
Barenaked Ladies - 8:35 (they started at 8:35)
No clue what song is called. Kinda jazzy and a whole helluva lot of
The "Chicago" band set, what a cool version of 25 or 6 to
4. (They poked fun at the band "Chicago," playing some
abridged versions of "Chicago" classics.)
The bus song - they hit on about every aspect of riding public
Cool bass player. Pirate Ship theme. For a band I've never really
heard before, they sure are popular - I see why! They're from
Toronto, Canada. It's kinda older people music (late 20's to 30's),
but the youngin's here like it too. They share fun stories about
their trip in Chicago. If you hate yuppies, this would be your hell.
Kinda a "dead"esque feel. The apple song. Wow, I feel like
a horrible reviewer - I don't know any of these songs but I really
like them. The band thanks all of the tall people for standing at
the back of the theater. The brothers had fun, and the brothers,
John, Bob, Darryl? were looking for the ladies - and there were
plenty. Big ol' instrumental jam. I hope to get their CD soon, maybe
to review it, but at least just to have - these guys are a blast.
Wow, what a bonus - a good band and tons of women! They just look
like they're having so much fun on stage. You're my Alternative
Girlfriend (I think this was the name of one of the songs). It's a
good light show. "I Like You 'Cause of Your Clothing" song
(I think this was a song about man's best friend, his dog, but I
don't know). Someone will need to pick up for the likes of Buffett
someday as just a "fun time" band - bring on the Barenaked
Ladies - the only problem is Toronto ain't no Margaritaville!
They're a bunch of cybergeeks. They're talking about Tron and they
didn't like the movie Dragonheart. Just the two front dudes, one
acoustic, cool harmony. "When Doves Cry" - way cool (you
know, the Prince song - he was Prince then). and the band is back,
but acoustic up front now. The "twice fried bean" story
into the mexican food song. "Be My Yoko Ono" - the crowd
loved this song.
It's a bass solo - Upright electric with a bow
into... Techno bass with the band - The Shoebox Song. I think I'm
the only person here who doesn't know the words. "If I had a
million dollars" song - with a crowd sing-a-long - and people
started throwing stuff - I'm told it's Kraft Cheese and Macaroni?
"And You Say He's Just a Friend" What ever happened to Biz
Mar Que? (Yep, they played the song). The rap set into "I Want
Your Love" into the Alanis' "You Outta Know." 10:15
I've never seen so many yuppie types so out of control. ENCORE
Powerful voices, they remind me of the strong voice like Meat Loaf.
"This is Where We Used to Live" song 10:20 ENCORE II some
slow song everyone knew but me 10:25 ENCORE III Holy shit - they're
back again. Another song I'm the only one who doesn't know - some
"hello" song. 10:35
And that was it for the Barenaked Ladies. As
I read my notes, I realized is wasn't going to be easy to put
together an article about a band I have never heard of, but now know
what I'm missing. This had to be one of the funnest bands I have
ever seen, and I think if they were promoted a little bit more, they
just might be your next "cult" band, bringing on a legion
of "Barenaked Ladies," and I might not even be scared.
Yeppur, you guessed it, Barenaked Ladies gets TWO HUGE THUMBS UP!!!
I can't wait to get their CD, and I can't wait for them to come back
into town. A whole helluva lot of fun, yes they are, and if you like
the likes of Jimmy Buffett with a slightly Grateful Dead feel, fear
not the Barenaked Ladies!!! Until the Next Review, I'm the Dude on
the Right - L8R! |