From The Dude on the Right:
Back in May of 1996 I was looking for a band to review and I saw
an ad for this group called Barenaked Ladies playing at the Riviera
in Chicago in early June. I had never heard of them before, never
heard a song from them, and almost didn't go to the show. The review
I wrote for that show (hey, use your link above to that review),
was, in all respects, pretty cheesy because all I really did was
list my notes, line by line, and give a little summation that this
band was a blast. At that show I felt lost, like I almost didn't
belong, because it seemed that everyone in that crowd knew every
word to every song, and I was left standing alone, in the back of
the theater, being interrupted by these guys who one, wanted to know
what I was writing, and two, looking for girls. Even though lost, I
had such a great time at this show that the next day I searched out
and found a BNL CD called "Born on a Pirate Ship" and
could now call myself a fan.
Then, in August/September, the news spread around the internet
like wild-fire - Barenaked Ladies were coming back to Chicago in
early October. Excited, I was ready to go, then all of a sudden the
Chicago show was canceled, the closest show was in Dekalb, IL, and I
couldn't go because I was already committed to seeing another band.
I looked and looked, and finally my prayers (alright - I really
didn't pray they would come back, but I was looking forward to
seeing them again) were answered and the Ladies were back in
Chi-town a couple of days after Christmas. I was psyched.
Steven Page |
This time I was totally ready. I had memorized most of the lyrics
from "Born on a Pirate Ship" and they had just released
"Rock Spectacle" so I worked to memorize the lyrics of
everything on there. Now, during "$1,000,000" I would know
all of the "crowd participation" lines, now I could sing
along with Steven Page and Ed Robertson, and the entire audience,
now I could really have a blast because I knew what to expect. But,
you know, enlightening comes to people in many ways because, yes,
like the last time, Barenaked Ladies put on one hell of a show, but
this time, as I'm singing along, I actually started to pay attention
to the lyrics of the songs and not just sing them. Which brings me
to my only question now, where the hell do the boys get the ideas
for their lyrics, and what do all of them mean? I'll address this a
little later, but first, the show on December 27, 1996.
I'm taking my place in the photo pit, talking to some fans (they
wanted me to take their picture, so I did - I'm such a nice guy
sometimes), the security dude is a fan too, and didn't know they had
the new CD out (he said he'd go pick it up now that he knew), and
commented how he doesn't mind the macaroni, but when it's hot and
sweaty that powdered cheese gets really nasty. I'm looking at the
set-up and see I'll get to take some photos during their acoustic
set ("damn," I think to myself, "no chance of getting
a shot of Steve doing a somersault or one of those classic 'jump up
in the air' moves that impressed me last time.") The lights go
down, sure enough it's the acoustic set, and "Hello City"
fills the air followed by "Life, In a Nutshell" and I'm
singing and snapping away. The band is tight, the crowd is singing
along, and the band kicks into one of their many side-tracks, and
then Steve introduces a B-side called "Just Me." (at least
that was the main lyric I caught - at home I tried to put my CD in
upside down to hear the song, but oddly enough that didn't work).
(I've been corrected, the songis called "Trust Me" and is
on the Shoebox EP) Although it took an extra month or two, I'm glad,
and so is the crowd, that Barenaked Ladies are back in Chicago.
What makes a BNL show so special - well, it's as much about the
music as it is about the city the band is playing in. See, musically
talented, the boys from Canada will always add some hometown flavor
to a show - and it makes each show different and gives each fan
something they can call special. This show was no different. After
"These Apples," the band starts to explain "Rock
Spectacle," the endless questions they receive regarding the
location of the Briar Street Theatre ("It's in fucking
Chicago" tends to be the common answer), and why some of it was
recorded in Chicago. Their explanation centers around Chicago being
a "Bratwurst Town" and proceed to one of the Chicago local
favorites, I'll call "The Brat Song."
Ed Robertson |
With the Christmas theme, the band did some caroling, a nice rap
version of "Joy to the World" during the Biz Mar Que/Alanis/
and now "Marcarena" mix, and continued into the night
hitting a lot of the crowd-pleasing (although I think just about
everything they play is a crowd pleaser) songs, even my new favorite
song "What a Good Boy." Comic interludes abounded when
someone tossed a monkey (not a live monkey - a stuffed toy monkey)
on stage during "$1,000,000" and Steve stuck it down his
pants and out his zipper. All in all, some twenty songs later, the
night was over, the macaroni was all tossed, and Barenaked Ladies
secured me into being a lifelong fan.
About the only thing I will say that this show missed upon was a
little bit more spotlighting of the musical talents of the band that
the last show I saw covered. No real solos or instrumental jams were
in place this night, and they did have a few more comical interludes
the last time, but I guess the one thing you can say about Barenaked
Ladies is I don't think two shows are ever alike. That's always
cool. I did miss not hearing "Break Your Heart" (hooray
for the live CD), and missed "Be My Yoko Ono" that I
remember from the last time (guess I'll have to break open the piggy
bank and hit the CD racks), but I guess they can't play everything.
I'll give the rating really quick, then burst into a little more
enlightening/confusion, but here's another one of those bands that
will probably, till the end of time, get TWO HUGE, MACARONI AND
gets me to my next point (boy, am I just in a typing mood or what?).
The more I listen to Barenaked Ladies, the more I like what I
hear, but for once, the more I get confused. See, I usually just
sing lyrics, like catchy songs, and don't really pay attention to
the meanings too much. My personal belief is yes, many times a
songwriter pens lyrics to mean something, but most people read way
too far into a song. Sometimes the meaning just jumps out and bites
me on the ass, and if not, I either just like a song or don't. But
why am I confused? Well, as much as it is sort of the band's fault
for writing the lyrics, I blame the internet too. See, I'm jumping
around and there is this documentary out there on the meaning found
in "These Apples." I'm reading, and I'm like "Yipes,
how does one come up with this stuff?" Then, all of a sudden
I'm in my car listening to "When I Fall" and first I
realize that this song is about an office building window washer,
and then I find myself wondering if it's something more. Then, I'm
checking out the BNL newsgroup and someone posts how "Straw Hat
and Old Dirty Hank" is about some crazed Anne Murrey stalker.
Probably, for one of the first times in my life, I am finding
myself looking/reading/analyzing lyrics and not just liking, or
disliking a song, for, well, being a song. That's not to say I still
don't like or dislike a song no matter what the lyrics mean, but I
am confused, I am enlightened, and it's all Barenaked Ladies fault.
Thanks guys, I think.
Sorry for the long ranting and raving, but that's it for this
one!! Stay tuned for Stu's view, and his is more about the view, but
I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!!
Now the view from Stu:
The conversation went something like this:
"Hey Stu, wanna go see Barenaked Ladies?" said the Dude On
The Right.
"Hell Yeah! But can we stop at a Cash Station first so I can
get some lap dance money?" I replied.
"Huh? Oh, no no no… I meant the band, Barenaked Ladies."
"Who are they?"
"A couple of 30-something year old guys that feature an
accordion in their music."
"What are you?!? On crack, or something?"
"No! Trust me. They're real cool! Plus there'll be tons of
perky college chicks there."
"Lead the way!"
All that being said we jumped into the DOTR's spiffy new Ferrari
and headed out to catch the Barenaked Ladies. It was a cold night in
Chicago as I got padded down at the Riviera Theater's front doors.
"What's with the pat down?" I asked security. "We
want to make sure you don't have any macaroni" was their
answer. I thought they were just being smart asses, but the DOTR
later explained that during one of the BNL songs they refer to
"Kraft Dinner" and people like to throw macaroni at the
stage. "How Rocky Horror Pictureshow-esque" I thought to
I don't remember any macaroni hitting the stage but the DOTR sure
was right about all those perky college women. Too bad it was winter
here in Chicago and all that perkyness was covered by ugly bulky
sweaters. Anyway, there were about 3 ladies for every 2 guys, and
the best part was they weren't those "artsy" type of
women. No way! These chicks were beer drinkers and boy did they put
away the suds. One girl, in fact, drank so much that she spent the
entire show with her head in a garbage can puking. A very classy
babe indeed.
This was my first encounter with Barenaked Ladies (the band), and
I gotta say that I had really enjoyed their musical renderings.
Their lyrics are often satirical, like the song they did about the
Jackson family. It had me ROTFLOL (Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out
Loud). Then there are their amusing antics on stage. The guys like
to kid each other about stuff like moles and body hair, and they're
not even above doing a little gymnastics if it pleases the crowd
(like when the lead singer decided to do some somersaults across the
stage). I think that's the key to the BNL. They enjoy pleasing their
audience. These guys seem like they're having tons of fun on stage,
so I guess they still enjoy entertaining and haven't been corrupted
by the mighty dollar (yet). As far as their music goes… It's
upbeat. It's funny and fun just to stand there listening to, or even
breaking out into a subtle polka step when they sing the
"Bratwurst Town" song. If I had to compare it to someone
you, the reader and non BNL fan, may be more familiar with I'd have
to liken them to… Hmmm… Imagine if Simon and Garfunkel had a jam
session with the Grateful Dead down on Sesame Street. To me that
would probably be a lot like a BNL concert. Cool tunes, smooth
grooves, fun lyrics, and a good time to be had by all.
Not since the last time I saw The Nerds, out on Long Beach
Island, NJ, have I enjoyed a band so much. I liked Barenaked Ladies
(the band) and can't wait to see them again! In the mean time I just
have to listen to their live CD, "Rock Spectacle" which I
picked up the day after the show at my local Best Buy (why pay
more?). I give these boys from Toronto (bare naked ladies can be
found everywhere, if you're lucky, but the band hails from way up
north) TWO HUGE THUMBS UP with a pint of Kokanee (a really good beer
from British Columbia) and I'm Stu Gotz, aye! |