Johnny B. |
On the airwaves of Chicago if you set your dial to 97.9 on the FM
you get WLUP. On the airwaves of millions of states from Illinois
and beyond if you set your AM dial to 1000 you get AM 1000. And if
you do this setting when its morning in Chi-town you usually find
Jonathon Brandmeier, a.k.a. Johnny B., hosting his normally
entertaining radio showgram as it is called. Well, if you happened
to tune in on March 17th you noticed something different, something
very different. This time there was an audience, this time there was
a marching band, and this time the show was taken out of the studio
and into suburbia to the peaceful setting of a banquet hall called
Gaelic Park in lovely Oak Forest, Illinois.
Buzz Kilman |
Now, Johnny B. has done this before, but the times I remember him
doing the remote broadcast were the day before Thanksgiving. That
was a good enough time to take off work and get an extra days
vacation. This day was a better reason, and what better reason than
St. Patrick's Day. Yep, there is no reason like St. Patty's Day in
the US to blow off work, wake up at some ungodly hour, head to the
Gaelic Park banquet place, hang out with your buds and get liquored
up before 10 AM. And whose fault is this, blame Johnny B.
Piranha Man Gives the Blessing |
Now remote broadcasts don't normally make good radio, in fact, maybe
they don't ever make good radio, but it's always interesting to see
just what makes a radio show click, even if most of the listeners
stuck at work (ha, ha) had to try to picture the happenings in their
head. But just how does one picture a band playing TV theme songs,
how does one picture a dude and dudette jumping and spinning rope,
how does one picture a 62 year old stripper, and how does one
picture a dude making a plunger stick to his head. Well, lets take a
little trip through a morning radio show and try to picture many of
those things, well, all except the thought of the 62 year old
Traditional Johnny B. remote shows begin with a blessing, done in a
simple manner by longtime radio guest Piranha Man. This show was no
different, except for the fact that I don't think God would be
blessing fucking Ireland. As an audience sat in total disgust, or
maybe it was roaring laughter, Johnny B. couldn't believe his ears
and from that point on the show kept taking strange twists, had
heart-pounding suspense, and crowned a new king.
Bob Koch |
Moving quickly through the early morning hours Johnny blasted
through many of his guests, ranging from the Gaelic Queen to a
stunning gospel choir to Bob Koch who has a unique talent of being
able to toss a plunger in the air and stick it on his head. He was
spotlighted on David Letterman, even had the WGN news crew do a
quick piece on him, and proceeded to impress the crowd with his
unique ability of fun with a plunger. Then of course there was
Johnny tempting one of the fine, upstanding law enforcement
personnel in attendance to fire his gun. This being the southside of
Chicago, well, he almost did.
Dakota Horvath |
But nothing could get this crowd to wake up like a little Sinatra,
and well, since ol' Frank doesn't seem to want to tour these days
what better choice than 8 year old Dakota Horvath to belt out some
Frank tunes. Yea, yea, anybody can get liquored and belt out Sinatra
tunes in a karaoke bar, but this dude is a little to young to hit
the sauce, but boy can he hit the notes. And you know, from the hat,
to the smooth moves, to working the ladies old enough to be his
mother, well, maybe not his mother, but at least a much older
sister, Dakota's voice impressed the radio audience, but Dakota's
moves made me rethink my stumbling and slurring Sinatra impression I
usually end up doing.
Now before the challenge to the throne for the Kind of TV Themes
some really great radio happened with the Rope Warrior and his
trusty sidekick, well I'll call her the Rope Warriorette. Hard to
explain, but let's just say this duo takes rope jumping to a new
level. But one of the main events of the day, not taking away from
the Rope Warrior, but a little bit better radio, was the challenge
for the
Paul Goebel and Arnold Lagos |
throne. Paul Goebel, the self-proclaimed King of TV Theme Songs was
being challenged by the Prince, Arnold Lagos. Paul was cocky, Paul
was confident, Paul was arrogant, but Paul lost. Yep, after whipping
the butts of most radio listeners who would call in for the
challenge in years gone by, Paul Goebel finally met his match, and
Arnold de-throned Mr. Goebel in a challenge that was filled with
controversy (at least until the instant reply tape truly showed a
tie for the Grizzly Adams theme). In the end The Stormtroopers
crowned a new king, and Arnold was proud to bring the crown back to
Yea, yea, I'm rambling, so, let's move on, let's move quickly,
and this is what we get. The rest of the morning we got to see some
cute little Irish dancers that young Dakota started to try to hit
on, a dude and Harry Teinowitz chug some yard glasses, Elvis the
King of Comedy and Green E., The Environmental Elvis (who, and I
don't know why, Johnny keeps bringing out on stages near and far
only to have the crowd turn violent whenever either of them try to
do anything resembling an act), and a cool Irish duo called Black
Water playing some traditional Irish songs. S. Wyler's appearance
was filled with tension and it looked like he wasn't going to let
Buzz Kilman, the news dude, get away without a boxing match. Calmer
heads prevailed, and Mr. S. was escorted out by "Wayne
Newton" (a big , burly, security dude who, well, resembled
Wayne), and that led the way for the best Jim Carrey look-alike I
have ever seen and our next batch of really great radio, Baby
Yep, turn on the imagination projectors and picture four little
toddlers in a mad crawl to the finish. Picture if you will, too,
parents and friends trying to coax these little dudes and dudettes
using soda cans, toy balls, and even a beer bottle. And picture if
you can what happens to youngin's when you try to force them to do
anything - they quit. Such was the case for some of the little ones,
but in the end cute little "Lightning" got over his little
temper tantrum and proudly crossed the line first.
"Lightning" |
And if you think that's good radio how about this - picture if
you will a 62 year old lady named Rosemary Black. Alright,
that's not too bad, but picture this same lady dressed in a
strippers outfit, complete with twirling tassels. Not a pretty
picture, is it, even on radio, but live it was, well, interesting,
and if Johnny ever brings her back I'll never go to a breakfast
broadcast again!
The morning was coming to a close, but not before the St.
Patrick's Day celebration turned Mexican with 5 year old Julio Cesar
Castillo belting out a Mexican song behind a mariachi band, and then
the return of the Gospel music finished a morning of mayhem,
scariness, fun, laughs, and a great way to start a day.
Rosemary Black |
I don't know if it's impressive or not, or maybe not even
interesting for most people, but it is kind of cool seeing a radio
show in action. From the drop-ins out of a commercial, to the way
the show tends to flow, to the fact that Johnny B. can be taking off
his jacket, scratching stuff on a notepad, have someone talking to
him, and still listen to his show and drop in witty comments while
Buzz is reading the news all at the same time. I don't know, I just
found it interesting.
Now, all in all it was a pretty cool morning, but not without
some grumblings. One had to do with it being a breakfast, and well,
some of the folks around me were kind of bummed because in the past
there were free rolls, juice and coffee, but this time breakfast cut
into your pockets to the tune of five bucks. Even my buddy Stu Gotz,
who was there kinda observing, had the following to say:
"Stu Gotz here: One of the great things about coming from
the south side of Chicago is all the great places for a cheap
breakfast. Seriously... I know places where you can get two eggs,
two slices of bacon, a cup of coffee, and a paper all for $1.99.
What was with the rip-off breakfast here?!? Two eggs - scrambled,
some bacon, a piece of sausage, and rye toast for $5?!? I might pay
that much!!!"
Then of course I heard complaints about the crowd, especially
about some of those who can't hold their liquor. Some of the people
around me were all for fun, but wondered what some of the
"belligerent idiots" were doing there so early in the
morning. Then, I catch up with Stu after the broadcast and he tells
me this story:
"Hey, Dude, did ya ever meet one of those people that seems
to loudly comment about everything. Well, while you were up there
snapping pictures, I got to sit by one of them. Man, this beer
swilling pig couldn't keep her mouth shut. From complaining the bar
wasn't open to bitching about the seats, I wanted to choke her and I
think some of the people around me wanted to do the same. Then, get
this, she had the nerve to call the sports guy an "ugly fat
pig." Let's just say that, well, next to her he looks like the
epitome of fitness."
Oh well, Stu never holds back and normally I would ignore him
except some of the normal folks around me had the same complaints. I
guess not everything can go perfectly as planned, and there is no
stopping a crowd sometimes, but all in all I thought it was a great
show and I'll be waiting for the next one! TWO BIG OL' THUMBS UP
from me for the Johnny B. Breakfast Broadcast. Stu might think
differently, but then again he did have some, as he put it,
"beer swilling pig" sitting by him.