Korn & Rob Zombie
A Concert Review |
Sometimes people I know just don't get me. They say something
like "Seen any good concerts lately?" and I say something
like "Yea, I just saw Korn and Rob Zombie. It was
awesome," and then they say something like "How can you
listen to that crap," and I say something like, "Oh well,
I liked it." And judging from the reaction of the soldish out
crowd (I'm pretty sure it was sold out, but don't know for sure, but
the place was packed), there's a lot of people like me who like that
crap, too.
Arriving at The Rosemont Horizon for the show, I sort of felt
like one of the dads there bringing their kid, at least in the way I
looked, but unlike those dads, I was there for the show. Me, dressed
kinda nicely in my jeans that fit and golfish shirt, clashed greatly
with the punk kids with pants big enough to hold a small family; me
with my nicely trimmed hair going up against gold hair, green hair,
blue hair, and spiked hair; and me with my one little ol' earring
left in the dust by the tongue, eyebrow, nose, five in one ear,
nipple, and navel piercings that were present. But, there I was, in
my seat, eagerly awaiting to have my senses blown away by the likes
of Rob Zombie and the boys of Korn.
And blown away I was.
So, Zombie takes the stage, and what's so special about that?
Well, he's got fire, he's got chicks, and he's got one scary,
fucking stage set-up. And what else? Well, I forgot how intense he
is when he's up there on stage. On his own now, with a pretty killer
band, Rob Zombie showed that theatrics and a beat can put a crowd
into a frenzy. Through the new songs from "Hellbilly
Deluxe" to reaching back into the White Zombie days, the
mosh-pit floor didn't stop for the hour he was on stage. Songs like
"More Human Than Human" sounded great, "Living Dead
Girl" had the dude in front of me on his seat screaming like a
banshee, and "Meet The Creeper" brought out this way-cool
looking guest "creeper" robot. Zombie puts on a show that
doesn't quit, from start to finish, and as he left the stage the
crowd knew that show wasn't over just yet, yanked out there lighters
putting the Horizon into an eerie orange glow (who says smoking is
down), and it's encore time for "Dragula."
Now, as intense as "Dragula" can be, let's add some
things, namely confetti bursts and a shitload of flames. "Come
on dude, I'm seen other bands with flames, but it couldn't have been
that impressive," you might be saying. Well, those other bands
might have flames, but this is the first show I've been to where I
couldn't see across the arena floor because the smoke was so thick.
It was cool.
So, Rob Zombie showed me once he is a kick-ass performer, and
it's "Two 'Smokey' Thumbs Up" for Mr. Zombie.
And even though Zombie finished up, and it almost seemed like the
show could have ended there and you could pack up your backpack and
go home, the night was not over yet as it was intermission time (a
good time for the wacky weed smokin' boys in front of me to get a
couple of trays of nachos), and then it was time for Korn.
Now, whereas Rob Zombie packs heart pounding music with
theatrics, the boys of Korn just pulled out a stage setup similar to
their jail motif used on the Family Values Tour and threw their hard
core blasts into the faces of the crowd, who loved every minute of
Armed with their attitudes and some video cameras to catch those
attitudes (as well as some, a, tit-udage of some girls in the front
row), Jonathan Davis led the boys through a set that showed just how
this band could develop a following enough to pack the Horizon
without the airplay you would expect would be needed, and as much as
more radio play may have brought some fair-weather fans, the
excitement about a band who builds their following is that everyone
there knows every word, every riff, and kicks ass through every song
they know and love and don't hear on their favorite station.
Songs like "Blind" and "Twist" enticed the
moshing crowd into a frenzy, and Davis bringing out the bagpipes
always, well, gets the crowd appreciating some "classical"
tunage, but for me I just love the energy the band gives off, and
the energy the crowd gives off, and I swear I saw the one dad
actually seem get into it, although his son seemed more pissed that
dad wouldn't let him sneak his way into the mosh pit area.
What can I say about a band that used their love for their fans
to build one of the most dedicated crowds at a show - nothing bad,
that's for sure. Whether you like the music or not, you've got to
respect Korn's dedication. The bonus for me, I like the music, too,
so even though poorly dressed, I fit in with every head bounce, most
of the words, and part of me wished I was just a tad more
adventurous to make my way to the floor.
It's "Two, Big, 'I Like Video Cameras' Thumbs Up" for
So, a great night all in all, and I didn't even get beer spilt on
me! That's it for this one, I'm The Dude on the Right!! L8R!! |