with Korn and
God Lives Underwater
A Concert Review |
Editor's Note: A quick note for those in
computer-land: Kinda keep in mind when reading this archived review
that as well as for the general public in the world, they were
written for the IIT student body. Hence, references to places you
may have never heard about (like The Bog). Enjoy!
The Dude on the Right
Let's see if by the appropriate time you can figure out the theme of
today's article. However, during that, travels far and wide, well
not really that far, and not really that wide, brought us to see
four bands (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) in the span of a week.
There's last Thursday's Bog band, Wax Lips, and (Go to the Bog on
Thursday!) the likes of KMFDM, Korn, and God Lives Underwater, all
of whom were at the Aragon (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) Ballroom a
week ago Friday. Let's start at the brawlroom.
KMFDM is kool, Korn is kool, and God Lives Underwater. Well (Go
to the Bog on Thursday!), I don't know if God live underwater, but
who's to say he doesn't? But, I digressed. The evening brought the
return of one of my new- found (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) favorite
bands, KMFDM, who I saw last (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) year at
the Metro. All I can say is please, please, please go back to the
Metro, maybe the Riviera, let's destroy the new Rosemont Theatre
with a band that would bring it to the ground, but don't (Go to the
Bog on Thursday!) ever go back to the Aragon Ballroom. I wrote down
at least six times that I thought the acoustics sucked, which (Go to
the Bog on Thursday!) did not make for a good evening for anyone
involved. And that was a shame.
For the industrial (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) music of KMFDM,
highlighted (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) by some of the best
heart-pounding bass out there, playing at the Ballroom was like
playing in a big cave, with (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) the
reverberating bass killing any other sound coming from the band. The
thing that really drew me to this band in the first place was the
presence of real guitar work, mixed with a synthesized sound that
wouldn't stop. But this (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) time, I could
only hear the guitar work maybe once or twice, and the vocals were
just about non-existent.
As much as I like this band, hearing the crowd say as we left
that this was one of the worst KMFDM shows they have seen, I have to
(Go to the Bog on Thursday!) agree even though it's only my second.
So, I have no choice but for a SHRUG. The crowd couldn't get into it
because of the sound, and the band responded with a little more
lackluster performance than last year. So as I eagarly await a new
KMFDM album, I have to hope that maybe next time will be better, and
maybe next time we'll actually have some photos again. It seems our
photographer got shut out - no pass, no photos. He was bummed.
Opening for KMFDM was Korn. With not as pounding a sound, the
crowd seemed to be able to enjoy Korn more than KMFDM. The body
surfers (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) were out in force, the bands
psychotic energy turned up the energy of the crowd, and the lead
singer dude even brought out the bagpipes playing a song that is
still driving me crazy because I can't remember it. Korn gets ONE
THUMB UP from me! It was kool, though, and the crowd loved these
guys who kinda reminded me of Rage Against the Machine, or maybe
Rage (Go to the Bog on Thursday!) sounds like them, but I guess
since I heard Rage first, for me they sound a little like Rage
Against the Machine.
Opening for them was God Lives Underwater, who weren't bad, but
didn't thrill me none. With no bass player, and pre-programmed (Go
to the Bog on Thursday!) music up the wazoo, they were good but
nothing special. It's a SHRUG for God Live Underwater.
Finally to the Bog show last Thursday. Have you figured out the
theme yet. Well, if you are that stupid, it's to show up to the Bog
this Thursday. Wax Lips held a private showing for the 15-ish people
in the Bog, which is too bad because even though this band is
comprised of a bunch of white guys with an African-American singer,
they are no Hootie and the Blowfish, they are maybe a little better
(especially on the R&B side and the fact that they have a killer
horn section). They played many songs off their two CD's, with some
covers thrown in, and even some of that Hootie, although it kinda
sounded like they were on drugs or something (it was way slowed
down!). But I really like this band, and if you had shown up you
might even have been able to figure out who we are. But anyway, I'm
giving Wax Lips TWO THUMBS UP! Any band that can still play for so
few people and still put forth all the energy they always have gets
me up!
So, go to the Bog this Thursday, where one of IIT's favoritist
bands it returning, Rhodes and Craven. These guys rock, kick ass,
and you sure shouldn't have that much homework yet. Get off the
Internet and see some human beings for a change, well, that is
unless of course you're checking out our pages
then stay home, but only if you're doing that.
And that wraps it up for me this week! With the OJ coverage gone,
(he's free!!, he's free!!), I now have to find another excuse for
missing class - anyone got any good ones? Also, don't forget to mail
us you comments about the new Bog. In any case, go to the Bog and
have fun for a change. Just remember S.H.IIT, which for you older
people stands for So Happy It Is Thursday!. Party Smart, and as
always, Rellim Reeb, Rellim Reeb!!!!!
The Dude on the Left
Two weeks in a row! Impressive, isn't it? Maybe we'll be able to
keep this up for a while. So then, on to the reviews.
Last Friday, KMFDM, Korn, and God Lives Underwater came to the
Aragon Ballroom. Before I start my review, I first must say again
that I don't particularly like the Aragon, but you take your
concerts as you can get them.
So, first to play was God Live Underwater. As the members of the
band stepped on stage and I saw the instruments they picked up, I
couldn't help but notice that there was no bass player. Now, I've
heard of Stompbox playing without a singer, but a band without a
bass player I have not seen yet.
God Lives Underwater got away with this by using a synthesizer
which must have all the songs programmed into it. Not only did this
synthesizer have the bass part, but it also played a weird computer
type sound which differed from song to song (kind of like NIN).
There were two guitar players, a singer, and a drummer. The singer
didn't move around at all through the whole show. He just stood
there in front of the microphone and hung his head down when he
wasn't singing. This is not a good way to get a crowd into your
music. The singer also had so many effects on his voice it was
ridiculous. I have to say, though, that I actually like the music.
After they left the stage some guys went through the crowd and
handed out demo tapes of the band. I went to snag one just as he ran
out. However, I managed to find one lying on the floor later on and
after playing it at home, I must say I like it. However, I have to
give God Lives Underwater One Thumb Down for their performance. The
music is only part of the show.
Korn's performance was the complete opposite of God Lives
Underwater's. Korn played with the most energy I have ever seen any
band play with. Everyone was jumping around the stage, especially
the singer. I just stood there in awe of the band. The music was
hard and perfect for moshing, which is what the crowd did. That was
the best mosh pit I have seen in a long time. I regret that I didn't
jump in.
Korn played the only song I have ever heard of theirs called
"Blind" which I was happy to hear. I don't know what else
I can say about this performance. I think you get the picture. I
give Korn TWO BIG THUMBS UP! Good music, great performance, amazing
When KMFDM came on sate I was amazed that the crowd wasn't as
nearly into it as they were for Korn.
KMFDM opened with "Flesh" off of NIHIL. This song
quickly showed the inadequacy of the PA system. The constant bass
tones muffled and distorted everything else. I don't know who to
blame for this - the Aragon or the band. Not only that, but you
could hardly hear the girl singing in the background. That reminds
me, WAS THAT GUY WEARING A SKIRT? I swear that one of the guys in
the band was wearing a really short skirt. It frightens me just
thinking about it. Anyway, I was impressed by the bands choice in
guitar players. A couple of them had solos and were good. The band
went on to play "Juke Joint Jezebel," "Brute,"
and "Disobedience." I felt sorry for the poor roady who
had to keep running on stage to pick up the mic and stand that the
singer kept throwing around.
I was very disappointed in the performance. I have to give KMFDM
One Thumb Down. This was definitely not a show to be proud of.
The Bog band this week was Wax Lips. for such a good band, there
was nobody in the Bog. For the first hour there was maybe ten people
there. Do you think the school realized that nobody like the Bog
anymore? Enough of that, back to the band. These guys are good. It
is about time there was a band with some talent in the Bog. I was
afraid the bands were going to suck all year. Wax Lips has some
horns (if you consider a trumpet and two saxophones horns), and a
great singer. Once again, the guy at the sound board didn't seem to
know what he was doing because the singer had trouble all night with
feedback from his monitor. Anyway, the band played some R&B type
stuff along with some covers. I think the band should have stuck
with originals because the covers didn't seem to be their style. I
give Wax Lips TWO THUMBS UP, even though a lot more people in the
Bog would have made it a much better show and more enjoyable for
That's all for now. You've been a great audience. Remember to tip
your waitresses. Goodnight! C.U.Next Thursday in the Bog! |