Big Cooter:
I was worried that The Dude on the Right would leave me.
He said that after the three songs he was able to shoot, well, he
was heading back to his car. I don't trust him, so I held out
as long as I could, or at least for all of the songs I wanted to
hear from 311, and headed back to the parking lot earlier than the
end of the show. Yea, yea, bitch and moan about my being a
lame reviewer, but I was really worried my ride would desert
me. I will say this about 311, they were a rock-em, sock-em
band, they did keep the crowd that was there going, and although not
a bonafide, big-name headliner, they seemed to be doing a decent
job. Blame The Dude on the Right for my leaving early, it
wasn't me, honest.
All in all I must say that this had to be one of the best weather
shows I have seen for the Q101 Jamboree. Then again, I guess the sun
does shine on a dog's ass every now again, too. Oh yea, I used that
line before. Anyhoo, I think I enjoyed every band except for Moby
and Travis, and I think the crowd agreed with me most of the time. I
also got entertained by some of the most entertaining T-shirts I
have seen in a while. There was the "I'd rather be
masturbating," "Chicks dig me" (on a girl), "I'm
a drunk, for a Breathalyzer Blow Here" (arrow pointing below
the waistline), and "Drink 7 (on front) Up Yours (on
back)", a very popular shirt by the way.
This was a non-sellout type of a crowd too, maybe due to the lack
of a major headliner. Nothing against any of the bands, but none of
them screamed "able to fill up The New World Music
Theatre." Maybe next year Q101 can forgo the issues of The
Offspring requesting all the lawn trash be tossed on stage and put
up one of the most entertaining bands I have ever seen as the
headliner. I guess in order to rate a show as big as the Jamboree it
would be a bit on the harsh side to hold such petty grievances
against them. I definitely have to give them a solid One Thumb Up
for an overall good show. I can hardly wait to see what Q101 has in
store for everyone at the annual Twisted show.
The Dude on the Right:
As a photographer I've got one thing to say to the boys of 311.
Use more light. Sure the strobing lights and dim highlights were
pretty cool for the music, but as a photographer it was a total pain
in the ass to shoot pictures for them.
With that said, 311 is a hard rocking band that did a great job
of closing the night, although a few people seemed to have bolted
early, not the 311 crowd I guess. And, sure, I left early, my job
taking photos done, but I did get to hear great crowd reaction and
most of the songs I knew from the comfort of my car (it was really
good to sit down after being on my feet for the last 10 ½ hours). I
don't know if 311 was the big name that Q101 really wanted for
Jamboree, hell I wondered in the past if bands like Erasure and
Duran Duran were what they were really looking for, but it was a
good wrap-up to the day.
In the comfort of the dude-mobile my day was over, except for the
long car ride home listening to Big Cooter and The Dude on the Left
slur through stories of breasts that have gotten bigger, Big Cooter
calling ex Q101 DJ Zoltar "Other from a Brother Planet,"
The Dude on the Left telling how he lost Big Cooter and instead of
heading into the mosh pit to look for him, well, opted to go buy
more beer, Big Cooter complaining how the weather in the past has
sucked when in actuality, for the last few years, it's been pretty
damn nice, and The Dude on the Left trying to take my picture with a
free disposable camera he got while I was driving . Big Cooter only
gave the day one solid thumb up. Screw him. Yes, the line-up was a
little weak in comparison to year's past. Yes, a couple of bands I
could have done without seeing. Yes, again I felt old. But you
couldn't have asked for better weather. You couldn't have asked for
better acts on the second stage (well, except for maybe getting rid
of Eve 6 and Travis). And you couldn't have had a crappy time unless
you were too old. I give Jamboree 2000 Two "For God's sake,
always hold Jamboree on a Saturday because the weather is so much
better" Thumb Up!