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Q101 Jamboree 1999
Kottonmouth Kings

A Concert Review
Next Up: Blink 182
In Reverse:
2 Skinnee J's
Or: From the Beginning

May 22, 1999

The New World
Music Theatre

Tinley Park, IL

A Review by
The Dude on the Left &
The Dude on the Right
Photos by
The Dude on the Right

The Dude on the Left says...
Didn't see or hear them.

The Dude on the Right says...
I'm thinking Big Cooter and The Dude on the Left got lost, or maybe distracted, but they both missed the band with the coolest looking drum-set and the band with maybe the most messages.

I'm not sure of all of the messages the band was trying to convey,some of the songs seemed angry and some seemed pissed off at the world, but signs like "Pass the weed" and "Show us your tits" sure seemed to convey that it's really cool to be in a band.

Some hip-hop, some punk, and lots of strutting back and forth across the stage got the mosh-pit going at a good pace, and even though I don't know most, well actually any, of the songs, I love a band with energy. Even though I may not really know a band, I like one that works a crowd, and they did everything to please their fans that made it to the show (at least it sure seemed that way in the amount of time I saw and heard them). They're on my "try to see again" list.

The Bands

The Main Stage The Second Stage
2 Skinnee J's
Blink 182
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Kottonmouth Kings
Local H
The Flys


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