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A Review by Big Cooter
Photos & Comments by
The Dude on the Right
A piss stop, err pit stop, two hot dogs (They ran out of pizza, damn them!) and a beer later, out Everclear Photo 1came Everclear. I was a bit disappointed that with us starting to wind down the show, they wouldn't have went to a bit more of an elaborate stage setup, but I guess with 8 bands all sharing the same stage with only a half hour break between shows, it would be hard to do anything more than just swap out the equipment. Oh well.... So, like I said before, out came Everclear. Actually, before I start on them, a little known fact was shared with the crowd right before the band came out. MTV was in da house filming for The Week in Rock, and it was some chick from MTV that actually came out and introduced the band and told everyone to watch MTV to see all these shenanigans be replayed on national TV. I guess I was just bummed that I never ran into the camera crew from MTV. So, back to the band. Everclear came out and did an all guitar opener, ie no drummer. It turned out to be pretty kewl Afterward, the lead singer, don't know his name - sorry, mentioned how "fuckin' cold it was out here" and that they were gonna suck but they would at least suck for us. Alright, Everclear hit the stage rocking pretty much as hard, if not harder than any of the previous bands before them. To be quite honest, I really didn't know very much about this band at all. I had thought that I had heard a couple of their songs on Q101, but upon hearing their first tune, I believed that I was mistaken. Everclear Photo 2I thought that they were a much more techno-pop kinda band, but instead, they had the heavy guitar rifts and wailing drum set going. They played this song that I think was called "You Make Me Feel Like A Whore" that got me up to my feet to enjoy the tune. It was pretty kewl, and I really wished I could understand the lyrics much better than I did. I don't know if it was just poor sound or if these guys weren't exactly the best vocalists around. Anyhoo, they pulled some surprises during their set, one of which was the fact that they closed out with an old Tom Petty tune, "American Girl." It was kinda cool that one of the bands decided to be decidedly different. So, with that in mind and the fact that I felt that they did one hell of a job of rocking the crowd, I give Everclear Two Thumbs Up! Hell, American Girl even had The Dude on the Right singing along with em.

The Bands

The Main Stage The Second Stage
No Doubt
Seven Mary Three
Foo Fighters
Cypress Hill
Stabbing Westward
Girls Against Boys
Afghan Whigs


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