Next up was a jaunt back over to the Buzz Stage to see
the only other chick lead band of the day,
I guess these guys are cheeseheads, so was the rumor I hear, but the
lead singer sounded like she was from like northern Ireland or maybe
even Scotland. Then again maybe I was just hearing things. Now this
band had two songs I recognized from my Q101 listening time. Some
song called either "Queerist of the Queer" or just plain
"Queer". Sorry, I don't listen to this band so I don't
know the names of their songs. I do know the other one, the one that
they closed with, that being "I Only Like It When It
Rains." Too bad the rain held off for another good hour and
half or so. The only real complaint that I have
against these guys is that I really hate sampled music. I could have
just as easily sat at home and listened to this band at home. But,
who am I to judge this band, oh yeah I am the reviewer, but there
did seem to be many more people at the Buzz stage for this band,
even though Stabbing Westward made an appearance and walked around
signing autographs for a while. Then again, the reason there might
have been more people is that they actually had finally gotten
everyone into the show. Yeah, I will bet I am right. Anyhoo, even
though it was the techno, pre-recorded BS that I don't like, give me
a few beers and a blankie and I couldda sat and listened to them for
a while. I don't know how those people were moshing to this stuff,
but they were. So, I guess it will have to be another Shrug for the
Buzz stage band. (Dude on the Right here - I think my partner is
messed in the head. I hate to put my two cents in, he was assigned
to this and all, but Garbage was one of my highlights from this 10
hour fest. I was duly impressed by the energy of the band, and
sampled or not, Garbage has been put on my list of new favorite
bands. I give them TWO THUMBS UP! - Take that Big Cooter!!)