Westward was more of an industrial rock kinda band but was lacking a
bit of the slashing guitar work. I was not overly impressed
with them guys, although the rest of the crowd seemed to enjoy them.
And as a matter of fact, I definitely saw two of the three things
from that sign being violated right off the bat. Gotta love the
youth of today! Too bad many of them made me wonder what this world
is gonna come too
these young, arrogant, snot-nosed, pierced mouthed, zit faced, my
parents really ought to be able to whoop my ass, teenagers of today
grow up. Oh, sorry I digress. I guess I shouldn't be too harsh, I
used to be like that, but then again, not that extreme cuz my dad
wouldda whooped my ass, guess that is the difference, eh? Anyhoo, I
did it again, digressed that is. Getting back to things, Stabbing
Westward played for their allotted thirty minutes and off they went.
It seemed like an appropriate starting band, and thankfully they
started on the Buzz stage cuz that gave the gates another half an
hour to get people in - oh, did I mention the stage sorta faced the
crowd trying to get into the show as well. So, I guess Stabbing
Westward gets a Shrug from me. Can't complain too much.